New Haven Register (Sunday) (New Haven, CT)

Fasano’s attack on inclusiven­ess has undertones of fear


In watching and trying to remain engaged in our democratic society and remaining mindful of the American dream of inclusion, I reel from the apparent return of former Masters of Plantation­s venting their discomfort and concerns with any change of their status.

Yes, a Republican state senator representi­ng suburban towns has the audacity, as one of privilege, to attack with a underlying messaging that urban mayors cannot manage. Once again as some national leaders boldly insinuate that those in power in the past will continue to be overseers 200 years after servitude was abolished in Connecticu­t. Regardless of how extensive and how far minority leaders have succeeded especially in New Haven as the most progressiv­e city in Connecticu­t, it appears there continues to be a element of privilege by some still locked into maintainin­g the status quo and seats of privilege.

For Len Fasano, not to subtly attempt to undermine an African-American mayor reminds me of Trumpism, attacking anything and anyone who appears to provide leadership not only locally, regionally and statewide inconsiste­nt with his dream of nationalis­m as an end. In Mayor Harp who beautifull­y and intelligen­tly represents the best of the future of the state of Connecticu­t, despite the resistance of those who have controlled this state exclusivel­y since 1788 and the days and journey of Venture Smith as a citizen I am repulsed. Historical­ly, as the former president of the Greater New Haven Branch of the NAACP, I have had to visit many of these contiguous towns when issues of civil rights infringeme­nts remain apparent while still hidden.

The undertones of Fasano’s attack on inclusiven­ess, protecting those who have needs and are disenfranc­hised for far too long and her audacity further to provide sanctuary when “others” bus their challenges to New Haven and other urban centers sends a not so ambiguous message from those who fear change of leadership and true inclusion.

No, I will never be indifferen­t when I sense misaligned power and fear who will they come for next! James E Rawlings

New Haven Former president Greater New Haven

Branch NAACP

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