New Haven Register (Sunday) (New Haven, CT)

Vatican defrocks ex-cardinal for sex abuse


VATICAN CITY — Former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick has been found guilty by the Vatican of sex abuse and defrocked, as calls rose Saturday for Pope Francis to reveal what he knew about the once-powerful American prelate's apparently decades-long predatory sexual behavior.

The announceme­nt Saturday, delivered in uncharacte­ristically blunt language for the Vatican, meant that the 88year-old McCarrick, the former archbishop of Washington, D.C., becomes the highestran­king churchman and the first cardinal to be punished by dismissal from the clerical state, or laicizatio­n.

He was notified Friday of the decision, which was upheld upon his appeal and approved by Pope Francis.

The pontiff next week leads a summit of bishops from around the world who have been summoned to Rome help him grapple with the entrenched problems of clerical sex abuse and the systematic cover-ups by the Catholic church's hierarchy.

Decades of revelation­s about priests who have sexually preyed on minors and their bosses who shuffled abusive clergy from parish to parish instead of removing them from access to children have shaken the faith of many Catholics. They also threaten the moral authority of Francis and even the survival of his papacy.

McCarrick, who in his prestigiou­s red cardinal robes hobnobbed with presidents, other VIP politician­s and pontiffs, is now barred from celebratin­g Mass or other sacraments including confession and from wearing clerical garb. He is to be referred to as Mr. McCarrick.

The Congregati­on for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Holy See's guardian of doctrinal purity, issued a decree on Jan. 11 finding McCarrick guilty of “solicitati­on in the sacrament of confession, and sins against the Sixth Commandmen­t with minors and adults, with the aggravatin­g factor of the abuse of power,” the Vatican said. That commandmen­t forbids adultery.

On Wednesday, Congregati­on officials considered his appeal and upheld the decree.

The pope “recognized the definitive nature of this decision made in accordance with (church) law, rendering it as `res iudicata,“’ the Vatican said, using the Latin phrase for admitting no further recourse.

 ?? Thomas Coex / AFP/Getty Images file photo ?? Cardinal Theodore McCarrick is the first cardinal ever to be defrocked for sex abuse.
Thomas Coex / AFP/Getty Images file photo Cardinal Theodore McCarrick is the first cardinal ever to be defrocked for sex abuse.

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