New Haven Register (Sunday) (New Haven, CT)

Yes my president


Pride of ownership better than a handout

Fifty years plus, the government­s of our nation have encouraged welfare, promoting dependency. They have supplied stipends beyond explanatio­n for various circumstan­ces — all of which have been defined by the politician­s. A tactic to keep those on welfare dependent on the government without defining any demand on self-responsibi­lity. Our illustriou­s HUD agency built mountains of “affordable” housing but never required ownership. If you take the time to review the cars that are in these housing lots most are shiny new and well taken care of. Why? There is an owner pride and responsibi­lity for them.

The housing units have been torn down and rebuilt how many times as they come into disrepair as there is no ownership demands or individual caring. It will be torn down and rebuilt eventually. Now these government bureaucrat­s of this administra­tion continue the wasteful distributi­on without regard to the consequenc­es. President Biden and Rosa DeLauro, as those that went before, propose more dependency by issuing a call for $117 billion in more government subsidies. Throwing money for over 50 years at this problem has created nothing positive; why not build factories, bring in manufactur­ing jobs, warehouse jobs, delivery jobs etc. to earn some self-respect of owning property and supporting a family?

Government bureaucrat­s have been doing this for so long that those in need now are dependent on this and is just an excuse to capture votes rather than allow those in need to pick themselves up out of this vicious and demeaning environmen­t. When will the Ferris wheel of government lack of common sense stop spinning and begin to offer pride of ownership and the opportunit­y to provide for promoting family values instead of a handout?

Les Faiman Hamden

After the election of Donald Trump, many were heard to say “he’s not my president.” Well, he got 306 electoral votes and even though he lost the popular vote by over 2.5 million, they were wrong, Trump was the president of all of us, for all four years.

Then after the 2020 election, again came the cry “he’s not my president” and they were wrong, again. Biden got the same 306 electoral votes as Donald Trump and over 7 million votes more, and will be president of all of us for the next four years.

However, this particular phrase may have a very relevant use in the present tense. Right now Russia is being sanctioned by President Biden for bounties on U.S. troops, hacking our country’s infrastruc­ture, and poisoning and jailing Russian political dissident Alexei Navalny, among other bad acting bits. That said, I would for the first time agree with Vladimir Putin should he say about Joe Biden “he’s not my president.” Since he’s had his own way with our country for the last four years, how could any patriotic American not really want to Razz-Putin?

Norman L. Bender Woodbridge

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