New Haven Register (Sunday) (New Haven, CT)

U.S. climate bill history-making

- ROBERT MILLER Contact Robert Miller at earthmatte­rsrgm@gmail,com

Did you feel the ground shift under your feet a little this month?

If you did, the tremor emanated from Washington DC.

Against all adds — and total Republican opposition — U.S. Senate Democrats passed a nearly $370 billion climate change bill, as part of the $430 billion Inflation Reduction Act.

It is, by far, the most money the U.S. government has allocated to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

“It’s the single biggest climate change bill that’s been passed,” said Katie Dykes, commission­er of the state Department of Energy and Environmen­tal Protection. “This made history.”

Mitch Wagener, professor of biology at Western Connecticu­t State University in Danbury, said last week he hadn’t read the fine print of the complex legislativ­e package. But he likes the summaries he’s read.

“It looks like a step forward,’’ he said

That step is long overdue. Wagener said.

“Not individual­ly, but in the collective, we have been so timid in moving on climate change,” he said. “The problem is clearly so big and time is so short.”

The bill’s goal is to reduce the 2005 levels of greenhouse gas by 40 percent by 2030.

It does not include any attempts to impose taxes or penalties to reach its goals. Instead, it uses subsidies and tax breaks to encourage individual­s and industries to change things for the better.

Dykes of the DEEP said much of the bill meshes with Connecticu­t’s decades of work to clean up its environmen­t.

“We’ve been leading on climate change for a long time,” she said.

That program — to run 10 years — includes $30 billion in tax credits for companies to develop wind and solar energy and another $27 billion in subsidies for clean technology research and developmen­t.

There’s $60 billion allocated to help disadvanta­ged communitie­s that are most often the worst places to live in terms of air and water pollution and $27 billion to create a national “Green Bank’’ to loan money for clean energy projects.

Dykes said the federal government is following Connecticu­t’s lead on this.

In 2011, it set up its own Green Bank — the nation’s first— and other states followed. Now, Dykes said, there will be a national bank to loan money for energy efficiency and climate change programs as well.

Dykes said convention­al lenders often shy away from such projects, considerin­g them unproven, and therefore risky. Money from Green Banks can prove such projects are safe investment­s, allowing other banks to be more willing to lend.

There’s also a $7,500 tax break to consumers who want to buy a new electric vehicle, and a $4,000 tax write-off for anyone buying a used electric vehicle. These apply to any electric vehicle costing under $55,000 and any electric SUV costing $80,000 or less.

Individual­s must earn less than $150,000 a year to qualify for the rebates. The rebates will stay in place until 2033.

Dykes said these rebates can work in tandem with the Connecticu­t Hydrogen and Electric Automobile Purchase Rebate (CHEAPR) program, which subsidizes the purchase of electro, plug-in hybrids and hydrogen powered vehicles.

For most drivers, the state program can cut the cost of a new electric car by as much as $2,500 and a plug-in hybrid by $750. If the buyer meets income guidelines, that can increase to $4,250 for an electric vehicle and $2,250 for a plug-in.

Dykes said the state will also use $55 million from the $1 trillion infrastruc­ture bill passed in 2021 to install electric vehicle charging stations along the state’s highways. That will give electric vehicle drivers the assurance they’ll have ready power to get where they’re going.

“Range anxiety is one of the biggest concerns of people considerin­g buying an electric vehicle,’’ she said.

Dykes also said the Senate bill has funding to help people make energyeffi­cient repairs on their homes, replacing old oil furnaces with electric heating, solar water heaters and heat pumps.

This money will be especially valuable in distressed neighborho­ods.

“These homes can have code violations, asbestos, lead problems that can prevent energy retrofits,” she said.

Western’s Wagener spends a lot of time outside the university classroom, talking to the community about climate change. Legislatio­n like the Senate bill matters, he said. So does voting for candidates who will support new climate initiative­s in the future.

“I have a 4-year old grandson,” Wagener said. “We have to do what’s right for our grandchild­ren. Doing right by them is doing right for us. By definition.”

 ?? Carol Kaliff / Hearst Connecticu­t Media ?? U.S. Senate Democrats approved nearly $370 billion to address climate change — the most money the U.S. government has ever allocated to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Carol Kaliff / Hearst Connecticu­t Media U.S. Senate Democrats approved nearly $370 billion to address climate change — the most money the U.S. government has ever allocated to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
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