New York Daily News




MARCH 21-APRIL 19 Don’t limit your thinking or let others hold you back. What you do in life is up to you. Anything is possible. It’s a matter of how much you want something and what you’re prepared to do to achieve it. Move ahead with confidence and don’t look back.


APRIL 20-MAY 20 If you’re looking for the perfect match in the jungle of love, you may meet someone through a friend of a friend or a colleague. You may have been hurt in the past, but that’s not a good reason to close your heart. Be open to embracing love. Sometimes you need to take a chance to meet someone special.


MAY 21-JUNE 20 It’s difficult to go through life without making some enemies. If you haven’t upset a few people, it probably means you’re trying to please too many. If for no other reason than that we’re all different, someone will always disagree with you. Be true to yourself and make sure you can live with your own decisions.


JUNE 21-JULY 22 There’s an opportunit­y to find rewards through group and community associatio­ns. Some of you could even meet your perfect love match, although a meeting of two hearts could start as a friendship. The road to true love isn’t always easy, but it is rewarding. When Venus and the planet of abundance, Jupiter, shine their stardust, anything’s possible.


JULY 23-AUG. 22 If you’re drawn into a debate that doesn’t concern you, hightail it out of there. Chances are superiors will keep a close eye on troublemak­ers, so there’s no need to get involved. With any luck, a reprimand is just a step away, and in this instance it will be wise for you to remain neutral.


AUG. 23-SEPT. 22 It’s natural to want more in your life, but don’t expect others to share all your dreams. What you see as important may not be a priority to some of the ones you’re close to. Even if they don’t want to achieve the same for themselves, don’t let them interfere with your dreams. We’re all individual­s, which makes life so interestin­g.


SEPT. 23-OCT. 22 When you want to get somebody to do something, exercise your powers of persuasion. You can be lucky in love and money now. Whether it’s business or money, the stars shine brightly in your direction. With love, you may begin to feel the repercussi­ons of a recent decision, which will determine which way to proceed.


OCT. 23-NOV. 21 Abandon doubts and concentrat­e on your attributes. When you adopt a positive attitude, you can discover and act on opportunit­ies. If you question your place in the grand scheme of life, the pieces will soon fall into place and provide more clarity. In love and throughout your personal life, schedule solo time to reflect on where you are and where you want to be.


NOV. 22-DEC. 21 The key to surviving this fast and furious time is to be well organized and get plenty of sleep. Your top priority is to look after yourself, because without your health you can’t do anything else. If you’re lucky enough to have some well-earned time off, use it to replenish your strength.


DEC. 22-JAN. 19 Stay focused on what you want to achieve. You’re headed in the right direction, Capricorn, and need to ensure you don’t go off on tangents. Things are busy, and your time management skills will help you stay on track. You’ll need to prioritize whom you devote time to. However, be sure not to neglect loyal friends. Even a quick email will let them know they have not fallen off your radar.


JAN. 20-FEB. 18 This week, focus on improving your cash flow. Be creative with saving and spending. Certain credit cards or bank accounts will give you a better deal. Make sure you’re aware of which ones they are, and use their services. It can make a big difference if you can save a little here and there. Even a little savings, over time, can considerab­ly increase your bank balance.


FEB. 19-MARCH 20 It may be necessary to implement a new strategy for your personal life. The art of communicat­ion is still the best way to solve any dilemma, but keep in mind that Mercury, the thinking planet, is still retrograde, so you’ll want to be diplomatic. If you’re honest with how you feel, it will be easier to overcome obstacles.

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