New York Daily News




MARCH 21-APRIL 19 Your life can start to come together, but keep a level head and make sure you don’t get emotional. Be careful you don’t overreact to someone. There’s likely to be more to a situation than you know. You never really know what others are dealing with. You don’t want to regret your actions, especially if it concerns family. Taurus

APRIL 20-MAY 20 You are more intuitive than you think. Trust in your instincts is invaluable. When it comes to romance, be careful you don’t focus on the fantasy instead of reality. Be honest with your heart. If it feels good, keep going. If it doesn’t, make changes. Gemini

MAY 21-JUNE 20 Life is full of situations that support and challenge you. However, one thing seems to be true for everyone: Your attitude can dictate how you feel about significan­t events in your life. It’s tempting to take the easy road, but when you push yourself, you feel empowered to keep going. Even if things feel stagnant now, stay positive. Good things are on the horizon. Cancer

JUNE 21-JULY 22 Don’t get rattled by an encounter with someone who lacks common sense. When you have to repeat and explain something that’s straightfo­rward, it can be annoying, but probably not worth losing your cool over. When you reach out to help others, the same energy is returned. Leo

JULY 23-AUG. 22 People come and go in life; however, sometimes you meet someone who has a strong influence on you. It’s the people who are with you through thick and thin who are the keepers. Be thankful for them, because the people you truly connect with are few and far between. Virgo

AUG. 23-SEPT. 22 When you share your deepest secrets, make sure you do so with someone you trust. Relationsh­ips, be they personal or profession­al, are built on trust. If you feel uncomforta­ble or too vulnerable to reveal personal details, it makes sense to hold back. You need to feel confident those close to you will not abuse the privilege of getting to know you on a deeper level. Libra

SEPT. 23-OCT. 22 When someone reveals their personalit­y to you, keep in mind, it’s only a portion of who they really are. If you find they have deep, dark secrets, don’t be quick to pass judgment. Most people have done things they wish they could erase, but some people do learn from their mistakes. Be prepared to overlook a past incident – everyone deserves a second chance. Scorpio

OCT. 23-NOV. 21 If your financial situation has changed of late, adjust your savings and spending plans to reflect the changes. If the decisions you make also affect others, you may need to consider their situation as well. However, be careful of trying to please everyone. In the end, it’s wise to be in control of your own business. Sagittariu­s

NOV. 22-DEC. 21 Don’t prejudge a situation with someone special. For long-term relationsh­ips, it’s just as important to be friends as it is to have intimacy. The height of passion can rise and fall, but friendship is there to stay. Nothing is more sacred and reassuring than when you have a trustworth­y and comfortabl­e companions­hip with someone. Capricorn

DEC. 22-JAN. 19 If you are waiting on an agreement or response from someone, you may not be able to speed up the process. With Mercury, the planet of commerce, back in phase, the chess game of life will move forward and take its normal course of action and then the real work can begin. Aquarius

JAN. 20-FEB. 18 When you consider new ideas, make sure anything you agree to will satisfy you emotionall­y, as well as financiall­y. A lot of time can be spent on the things you love to do that don’t return an income. Money is important. When you have enough cash to cover contingenc­y plans, it can provide a level of security that reduces everyday stress. Pisces

FEB. 19-MARCH 20 Because of a planetary mix affecting your sign now, you may receive a flash of inspiratio­n, particular­ly concerning money. If you hear helpful informatio­n, take note and act on it. A clever idea can change your life. Act fast to capitalize on a creative opportunit­y that seems to have fallen at your feet.

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