New York Daily News


NBA’S Parker may skip Olympics after club fight

- BY NANCY DILLON ndillon@nydailynew­

HOOPS STAR Tony Parker says he might be laid up for the London Olympics after almost losing his eye in the bottle-hurling brawl between rival R&B singers Chris Brown and Drake.

The NBA star revealed in a new French-language interview that his eye injury was much worse than he announced at a news conference the day after the June 14 music-industry melee.

He said additional testing in Paris found that a piece of glass had penetrated 99% of his left eye.

He was rushed into emergency eye surgery June 17 and now must put five different products in his eye every two hours, according to the interview posted on his website. “I almost lost my eye,” the San Antonio Spurs star added. “I just spent eight days trapped in my hotel. I was not allowed out to prevent infection. I was so afraid that I have not left my room.”

Fear set in when he heard about the operation, along with hallucinat­ions, he said. “It is so fragile, an eye,” he said. “I could not believe it.” He said the surgery prevented him from joining his French team for Olympics preparatio­n last week. Parker, the ex-hubby of “Desperate Housewives” vixen Eva Longoria, has filed a $20 million lawsuit against the Manhattan club where he was injured, claiming it didn't have enough security to handle the Rihanna-related “bad blood” between the Brown and

Drake entourages.

 ??  ?? Hoops star Tony Parker was caught in Chris Brown-Drake brawl.
Hoops star Tony Parker was caught in Chris Brown-Drake brawl.
 ?? Photo by Mark Wills ?? Parker at Club b W.i.P. before the brawl
Photo by Mark Wills Parker at Club b W.i.P. before the brawl

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