New York Daily News

Christie & ex Cook up a deal

- BYHELEN KENNEDY hkennedy@nydailynew­

SUPERMODEL Christie Brinkley and ex-husband Peter Cook announced Monday that they had reached an outof-court settlement on the eve of what promised to be an ugly trial.

The couple divorced in 2008 after Cook cheated with a teenage beauty, but they continued to fight publicly over small amounts of money and accusation­s of sending nasty emails.

On Friday, a Suffolk County judge leaned on the dueling exes to work out an agreement to avoid the trial set to start Tuesday, telling them it would be in the best interests of their two children to avoid a second embarrassi­ng courtroom battle. They apparently listened — but the settlement was announced with new blasts of venom from both sides.

“In a late-night settlement, I finally won the right to establish boundaries with provisions such as an intermedia­ry to deal with email bullying, verbal and emotional abuse,” Brinkley wrote on her Facebook page.

She called the last four years “an odyssey of frustratio­n” and decried the “extended character assassinat­ion and extortion attempts” that took an “emotional toll which can only be measured in tears.”

Cook, a Hamptons architect whose new wife clashed with Brinkley at the courthouse Friday, also claimed vindicatio­n.

“The settlement we reached proves Ms. Brinkley’s claims were baseless and that a hearing would have only proved to be a further embarrassm­ent for her,” Cook’s lawyer, James Winkler, said in a statement.

He added that he hoped Brinkley “will seek appropriat­e help to deal with her anger.”

The settlement includes a “no verbal contact” rule that both claimed they needed to protect themselves from the other.

The settlement also includes the appointmen­t of a parental coordinato­r to help them care for their children, Sailor and Jack, without acrimony.

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