New York Daily News

Khloe & Lamar flunk at graduation

- FRANK DIGIACOMO fdigiacomo@nydailynew­

You’ve heard of deadbeat dads? Lamar Odom is a photo-op father. Lower Manhattan public school parents are shaking their heads over the stunt the NBA free agent and his wife Khloe Kardashian pulled when Odom’s daughter and son graduated from their respective public schools last week.

On Wednesday, Odom’s 13-year-old daughter Destiny graduated from I.S. 289 in Battery Park City.

A source familiar with the situation tells us that although the girl's mother, Liza Mo

rales — who was engaged to Odom from 2000 to approximat­ely 2008 but never married him— initially invited Kardashian to the school ceremony, she had to rescind the offer when, a few weeks before the big day, the school limited tickets to three per family.

That left a ticket for Odom, Morales and Destiny’s grandmothe­r — but not Kardashian.

For some reason, the source says, Khloe was determined to attend, and the source claims, in the days leading up to the graduation, Odom and Kardashian’s camp lobbied the school for an extra ticket.

“The school held its ground,” says our source. “But, on the day of the graduation, Khloe showed up anyway and they let her inside.”

This was after the couple was photograph­ed walking hand-in-hand

to the graduation ceremony.

Photos of the couple with Destiny at the graduation ceremony can also be found on the Internet.

“It is going to be a HOT day in NYC today!” Kardashian tweeted on Wednesday. “Lamar and I are excited though!!! It’s graduation day for his babies!!!”

Well, not exactly. Our source says that Odom’s 10-year-old son L.J. graduated from the same school’s fifth grade on Thursday.

“What was sad was that after bringing Khloe uninvited to his daughter’s graduation, he didn’t even show up for his son,” says the source. “They got their photo-op the day before and then he couldn’t be bothered. It was beyond hurtful,” says the insider. Other par- ents “couldn’t believe it.”

Jill Fritzo, a spokeswoma­n for Kardashian and Odom insists that the ballplayer did attend his son’s graduation “with

Rob Kardashian,” but L.J.’s uncle says otherwise. “I was there and sitting in the back. Lamar was not there,” says Liza’s brother, Nathan Morales.

He adds that L.J. “was a little disappoint­ed but ultimately he was okay because he spent his time with his friends and his mother.”

Asked if he could offer any explanatio­n for Odom’s absence from his son’s milestone, Nathan said: “Because there were no paparazzi there.”

Although Kardashian reportedly headed back to Los Angeles after Destiny’s graduation, Odom stayed in town. As we report below, the 6-foot-3 player partied at Catch Roof on Saturday night.

We hope he toasted his son.

 ??  ?? Odom & Kardashian hounded school for a ticket.
Odom & Kardashian hounded school for a ticket.

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