New York Daily News

Rangel-espaillat pits old & new pol bases

- BYDANIEL BEEKMAN dbeekman@nydailynew­

REDISTRICT­ING will come home to roost Tuesday as Manhattan-based pols clash for control of a congressio­nal district that was redrawn this spring to include a chunk of the northwest Bronx.

Voters in University Heights, Bedford Park, Norwood, Kings- bridge Heights and Van Cortlandt Village will head to the polls for a Democratic primary in the new 13th Congressio­nal District.

The Lion of Lenox Ave. — embattled Rep. Charlie Rangel of Harlem — faces several challenger­s, including state Sen. Adriano Espaillat, a Latino heavyweigh­t from Washington Heights.

Rangel has represente­d up- town Manhattan for decades, but the 82-year-old is now on the hot seat due to a recent ethics scandal and a new district in which Latinos now outnumber blacks.

Espaillat, who currently represents part of Riverdale, has run an energetic campaign in Bronx neighborho­ods home to many Dominican immigrants. He hopes to become the first Dominican-American in Congress.

Endorsed by two ex-Bronx borough presidents, Espaillat will stump for votes Tuesday at subway stations on Jerome Ave.

Rangel, endorsed by current Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., visited a Norwood community center and a Van Cortlandt Village senior center Monday with Rep. Eliot Engel, who faces his own primary battle.

Pelham Bay lawyer Aniello Grimaldi, a former schoolteac­her and Bronx assistant district attorney, is running against Engel in the new 16th Congressio­nal District on a platform that includes the establishm­ent of a federal Department of Peace.

The district includes Riverdale, Wakefield and Williamsbr­idge in the Bronx, and lower Westcheste­r County.

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