New York Daily News



IT’S SAFE to say that most people are unaware that Tuesday is primary day, or that the outcome of the Congressio­nal District 13 Democratic contest could spell the end for one of Harlem’s longtime political fixtures, Rep. Charlie Rangel.

Harlem residents who attended a pair of events on Monday night were encouraged to vote.

“I don’t really care who people vote for, I just want Harlem to vote,” said Landon Dais, 31, who organized one event at Harlem restaurant Chocolat under community group Uptown Residents Who Care.

Dais said he planned the event because many of his neighbors didn’t know the primary was approachin­g.

“I realized 90% of them didn’t realize there was an election coming up,” he said. “All of them thought it was in September. They were all shocked. Nobody knew.”

“There’s a lot at stake here,” said Dais, a longtime Harlem resident and former City Council candidate.

Elsewhere, hip-hop stars united to encourage voting at Doug E’s Fresh Chicken & Waffles, the restaurant of legendary rapper Doug E. Fresh.

In the event, organized by candidate Clyde Williams, Fresh and rapper Kangol Kid of U.T.F.O. encouraged residents to vote.

“For the first time in 40 years, the top leadership could change,” Williams said in a statement. “The people should have a say in that change by voting.”

The candidates challengin­g Rangel are Clyde Williams, 50, former deputy chief of staff, U.S. Dept. of Agricultur­e; Joyce Johnson, 64, ran for Congress in 2010; Craig Schley, 48, former firefighte­r, model and political stategist, and state Sen. Adriano Espaillat, 57.

The Daily News canvassed upper Manhattan on Monday, asking potential voters throughout El Barrio, Harlem, Washington Heights and Inwood if they plan to vote. Here, some of their responses. l Herbert Atwell, 69, East Harlem

“I am going to vote tomorrow because we are given the opportunit­y to vote. If we want things to get better we need to vote. I don’t know about the other candidates, but I know who I am voting for.If (Rangel) retires then it’s another story, but he’s been here all these years helping the community.” Angel Rosado, 36, Inwood

“I like Rangel and Espaillat, but I am going to vote for Espaillat.

“I noticed that a lot of the playground­s are disappeari­ng, like from 96th St. and up. You have more downsizing to bring in condos. Soon, Central Park is going to be the only designated park available.” poanco Frank, 80, East Harlem

“Rangel has been here for 40 years and he does a lot of good things for the community. No matter what they say about him, I don’t care. I am going to vote for him.” engracia Rivera, 72, East Harlem, will be helping non-english speakers vote

“I am going to vote for my Hispanic. Espaillat. I believe that he can help the Spanish people in the area. i think education is an important issue because I used to work in a school. I taught the third grade to students in PS 189.” irma Graziani, 70, East Harlem

“I really don’t know the candidates by name, only by face. I have heard of Rangel, but I don’t like too much about any of them. They all make promises that they don’t fulfill when they come into office.” lex Torres, 34, Inwood

“I was not aware of the voting because I have been running my business (he owns a restaurant), organizing fund-raisers and managing my time with family and work.

“Espaillat has always brought awareness to the community and he has really helped it out. I will vote for him.” Tanisha Selby, 32, Washington Heights

“I didn’t know about the elections tomorrow, although I am aware of some the candidates such as Charles B. Rangel. I’m all for Rangel because he is very hands-on and is always listening to the people. Rangel knows the issues. Rangel needs to keep hold of his district.” Susanna Brown, 45, West Harlem

“I like Rangel, but I don’t know about him. I don’t want to back anyone up if they are going to be doing a lot of underhande­d stuff. I want him to stop dirty handling and continue to help the people.” Frank Albarran, 37, Washington Heights

“I don’t vote because everyone who I wanted to win won even though I voted or not, I could always tell. The money always rules.” Lashae Caines, 24, Hamilton Heights

“I don’t know know who I am voting for yet, I’m gonna decide at the polls (today). Out of all the candidates, I only know Rangel because he has been around for so long.

I’m on my way to my eighth interview for affordable housing, I been rejected every time so far. . . . The apartments here are getting too expensive, they need to help us.” Chris Carney, 42, Hamilton Heights

“I actually know quite a few people who are voting. In my building with 113 apartments, I would say that about 30% are voting. I only know Rangel. If you look closely at his history you will see how much he has done for the neighborho­od.”

 ??  ?? Lashae Caines (l.), 24; Poanco Frank (c.), 80, and Angel Rosado, 36, are ready to vote in Tuesday’s Congressio­nal District 13 Democratic primary.
Lashae Caines (l.), 24; Poanco Frank (c.), 80, and Angel Rosado, 36, are ready to vote in Tuesday’s Congressio­nal District 13 Democratic primary.
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