New York Daily News

Improve Your Life


Restore your dental function today. Feel better, look great, enjoy eating. Speak clearly, laugh often and smile with confidence!

In pract ice for 35 years, the experience­d dentists at Herald Square dental will help you restore your dental function. There is no substitute for experience. Our full service, cosmetic dental practice, under the direction of Dr. Ian Pasch, enjoys a reputation for quality, stateof-the art dentistry. His experience and expertise has been featured on Top Doc America, show n on major net work television.

When you choose to replace missing teeth, straighten misaligned teeth or replace dentures that rub and irritate, you have the opportunit­y to smile with confidence again — thereby, improving your life. The cosmetic and implant dentists at Herald Square Dental are among the best in the city. So, whether you’re considerin­g implants, veneers, Invisalign or new dentures, our warm caring team will provide the quality, convenienc­e and affordabil­ity that you desire.


“The Smile you’ve always dreamed of without the braces you never wanted” for as little as $95 to $179 a month. Come see our Preferred Invisalign provider.

Denture wearers

No more messy adhesives and no more sore spots — feel like you have natural teeth again with mini dental implants that attach to a denture that no longer covers your palate. Or, consider custom, well-fitted premium or flexiparti­al dentures to replace your old worn, ill fitting dentures. Call Herald Square Dental for your free consultati­on. Restore your dental function and improve your life today. Call (212 ) 689 - 0 024 or visit www.heraldsqua­ or www.denturecen­

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