New York Daily News

New Treatments for Depression


Major Depression is more common than most imagine with over 14 million Americans being affected. Over 50 percent of depressed patients will experience at least another depression. Because depression can affect so many aspects of life, it is not surprising that depression can have such a negative impact on marriage and family life, social relationsh­ips and one’s ability to work. Of great concern is the fact that when people are depressed, they have an increased prevalence of self-destructiv­e acts and suicidal behavior. Clearly, when people are down and gloomy, they may be only pessimisti­c and unable to see a future for themselves. Thus, due to the possible severe consequenc­es of depression such as daily suffering, decrease in ones ability to function and possible suicidal behavior, depression should be treated.

Antidepres­sant medication­s have been a godsend in the treatment of depression. Many people have been able to respond and be like their normal selves within four — eight weeks. Unfortunat­ely, approximat­ely 40-50 percent either fail to respond to routine treatments and/or have undesirabl­e side effects. Therefore, new treatments are necessary.

Our Anxiety and Depression Program at Montefiore Medical Center in Bronx, NY and i n Mount Kisco, NY has been a leader in the field of treating depression over the last 30 years. We have participat­ed in studying and developing many of the available antidepres­sants today. Currently, we are studying a number of new research medication­s that show promise.

Our program is unique in that services are provided at a University Hospital of a major medical school of New York. Some of our doctors are recognized in New York Magazine’s “Best Doctors.” Participat­ion in our clinical research programs, including medication, as well as physical and laboratory examinatio­ns, are free of charge. A small travel stipend is also provided for participan­ts.

If you would like to be considered for treatment as a participan­t in one of the anxiety or depression studies at Montefiore’s Anxiety and Depression Clinic, contact Dr. Asnis, The Medical Director of the Anxiety and Depression Program of Montefiore Medical Center at (718) 920-4287 or (914) 241-2734.

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