New York Daily News

Spelling takes a crafty turn


TORI SPELLING is glittering up her résumé by hosting TLC’s new series, “Craft Wars.”

“It was the perfect marriage,” the actress and reality show star says about partnering with the crafting competitio­n, premiering Tuesday at 10 p.m.

Spelling, 39, saw a need for a show about the field, which has become a $30 billion industry. She approached TLC, which already had a craft show in the works, and immediatel­y jumped on board, serving as both host and executive producer.

Crafting is a big part of Spelling’s marriage to actor Dean McDermott, who ap- pears with her and their kids in the Oxygen Network reality show, “Tori & Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood.”

When McDermott isn’t working, he’s often in his wood

shop in the couple’s L.A. garage.

“He makes things, and I decorate them,” Spelling says. “We’re a good team.”

She adds that the politicall­y correct term for a male crafter is a “maker,” which she has recently learned.

“We have several men competing on ‘Craft Wars,’ which I was actually surprised at,” Spelling says. “I wasn’t aware that men craft almost as much as we do.”

In each ribbon, scissors and felt-filled episode, three crafters will have an hour to create themed projects. The most creative wins $10,000.

“It was really cool to be able to

‘He makes things and I decorate them,’ Spelling says of husband Dean McDermott

watch people go through this process and see it in real time,” Spelling says.

Contestant­s use basic material along with some surprises, all supplied by Michaels. The crafting superstore created a giant supplies closet for the show. “Michaels is my home away from home,” Spelling says. “When people say Disneyland is the happiest place on Earth

I always disagree and say it’s Michaels.”

Spelling has been pregnant with her fourth child throughout the filming of the 10-week series.

“I don’t know any different,” she says. “I’ve worked through all my pregnancie­s. I think it would be weird for me not to.”

Asked if she and McDermott planned to have four children, Spelling laughs. “After Hattie [their third child], we definitely thought about it, since we love having babies,” she says. “But we certainly didn’t intend to be pregnant that quickly.”

Her oldest, Liam, 5, and Stella, 4, craft with their mother every week. “It’s a great teacher of eye- hand coordinati­on and a good alternativ­e to cartoons,” Spelling says.

Stella even asked for a crafting-themed fourth birthday. “During the whole party, she was at that craft table,” Spelling adds.

The actress became a household name in the ’90s while starring in the hit series “Beverly Hills, 90210.”

The show was produced by her late father, Aaron, and she credits it for her early success. “I’m so grateful for ‘90210,’ ” she says. “Everyone needs an opportunit­y to put themselves out there. That was mine — it was a 10-year moment.”

Spelling hopes to go back to her roots as an actress in scripted television. Though she’s excited about “Craft Wars” and continuing her reality show, “Tori and Dean,” she misses that part of her life.

“My heart’s definitely in acting,” Spelling shares. “That’s where I started. I would love to do a sitcom. That would be an ideal job for me. I wanted to start acting when I was 5. I was extremely shy, but for some reason, I would get in front of the camera and just go for it.”

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