New York Daily News


Iran madman vows to remove ‘tumor’ of Israel

- BY LARRY McSHANE lmcshane@nydailynew­

HATE-SPEWING Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadineja­d, in a chilling anti-Israel rant, described the Jewish state as a “cancerous tumor” — and promised its removal.

“The nations of the region will soon finish off the usurper Zionists in the Palestinia­n land,” the irrational Iranian declared Friday at Tehran University.

“Confrontin­g the existence of the fabricated Zionist regime is in fact protecting the rights and dignity of all human beings.”

The loopy leader blamed “Zionists” for starting both World Wars, and insisted Israel had “taken control over world affairs since the moment they became dominant over the U.S. government.”

Ahmadineja­d racheted up the rhetoric as Israel openly considered attacking Iran over its nuclear program, heightenin­g the already edgy relations between the nations.

“The Zionist regime and the Zionists are a cancerous tumor,” the Middle East madman said during the annual Quds (Jerusalem) Day rally held at the end of Ramadan.

“The existence of the Zionist regime is an insult to all humanity,” the dizzy dictator rambled. “. . . A new Middle East will definitely be formed.”

The Holocaust-denying president’s verbal assault did little to ease the internatio­nal ill will, and drew a quick U.S. rebuke.

The comments were “hateful and divisive,” said U.S. National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor.

“We strongly condemn the latest series of offensive and reprehensi­ble comments by senior Iranian officials that are aimed at Israel.”

Demonstrat­ors at the Tehran speech burned U.S. and Israeli flags, and chanted “Death to the U.S.!” and “Death to Israel!”

Top Iranian military leader Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari echoed the president’s threats toward Israel.

“The Iranian nation has always been at the forefront ... in showing its animosity toward Israel,” he told the Fars news agency.

Iran has repeatedly insisted its nuclear operations are strict- ly for peaceful use — producing electricit­y or treating cancer.

But cynics suggest Ahmadineja­d is stockpilin­g materials to create a nuclear arsenal, and Israel has said “all options are on the table” when it comes to preventing Iran from getting nuclear weapons.

In 2005, the tieless tyrant outraged world leaders with a similar speech where he predicted Israel would be “wiped off the map.”

He has also called the Holocaust a “myth.” And three years ago, Ahmadineja­d’s hate speech cleared out much of the United Nations General Assembly Hall.

This time, Ahmadineja­d’s kooky crystal ball produced a vision of the Middle East minus the state of Israel and any U.S. involvemen­t.

“With the grace of God and help of the nations, in the new Middle East there will be no trace of the Americans and Zionists,” he said.

With News Wire Services

 ?? AP ?? The News covered Iranian prez’s antiSemiti­c diatribes on his stop in city, including hate-filled talks at UN and Columbia.
AP The News covered Iranian prez’s antiSemiti­c diatribes on his stop in city, including hate-filled talks at UN and Columbia.
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