New York Daily News

The Palestinia­ns’ latest ploy

- BYMICHAEL SCHMIDT Schmidt is the director of the American Jewish Committee’s New York regional office.

Instead of seeking peace with Israel, Abbas is pleading for recognitio­n from the UN’s General Assembly

Yogi Berra would call it déjà vu all over again. Just as he tried — and failed — last year, Palestinia­n Authority President Mahmoud Abbas hopes to secure internatio­nal support for avoiding the negotiatio­ns with Israel that could bring peace to the region.

At the UN General Assembly this week, he will instead seek backing for a Palestinia­n state. Through unilateral action, he aims once again to persuade the internatio­nal body to hand him recognitio­n on a silver platter, with no thought of the consequenc­es.

Palestinia­n legislator Hanan Ashrawi has described the effort as “a test of global consensus and rule of law.” In fact, the ploy for “observer status,” even if successful, will change no facts on the ground, since only an agreement with Israel can lead to a pullback of Israeli troops.

It will also raise false hopes among the Palestinia­n people, potentiall­y pushing them to violent action. And it will confirm Israelis’ longstandi­ng fears that they have no partner for peace, drasticall­y reducing the chances of resolving the conflict.

In light of last year’s failure, Abbas, who is scheduled to address the UN on Thursday, opted to switch strategies. Instead of seeking statehood through the Security Council, where he fell short of the nine votes needed in 2011 (the U.S. did not even have to cast a veto to derail the plan), this time he is targeting the 193-member General Assembly. There is no veto power in that body. A simple majority is enough to pass resolution­s.

Abbas knows he has a built-in majority, recently boasting that “there are 133 countries that now recognize Palestine as a state, with East Jerusalem as its capital.” The Arab League, consisting of 22 nations, has already endorsed the initiative, and the Non-Aligned Movement, with its 120 members, did the same at its recent Tehran summit.

But since the General Assembly cannot grant full statehood, a resolution is expected to be proposed that would upgrade the status of Palestine from “permanent observer” to “nonmember observer state,” such as the Vatican currently enjoys.

Symbolical­ly, passage of this resolution would put the UN’s main body on record on the Palestinia­n side, and, as Abbas has pointed out, enable him to argue that Palestinia­ns live in a state “occupied” by another country.

Nonmember observer state designatio­n would make the Palestinia­ns eligible to join UN agencies, including the Interna- tional Criminal Court — where they could put Israel in the dock for alleged crimes of their own imagining.

But watch the machinatio­ns carefully. Abbas might not call for immediate General Assembly action, as that might embarrass President Obama during the presidenti­al campaign and trigger a cutoff of U.S. aid. Holding off on passage of a UN resolution until after Election Day may lower the risk of offending the U.S. — though such action will still have consequenc­es for the Palestinia­ns.

Israel has consistent­ly sought to resume talks with the Palestinia­n Authority with the aim of a twostate solution in which Israel and a Palestinia­n state live side by side in peace and security. But Abbas and his followers refuse, since negotiatio­ns would require compromise.

At the Non-Aligned Movement summit, Abbas made clear, as he has so often done before, that compromise is not on his agenda, denying any Jewish connection to Judaism’s holiest city, Jerusalem.

In a public statement, Abbas declared that no Jewish temple ever stood in the city and ranted about an imaginary conspiracy against the Palestinia­ns. He charged Israel with plotting “to rob Muslims and Christians of their holy shrines, destroy the Al Aqsa Mosque and build the alleged Jewish temple.”

The Palestinia­n leadership is clearly caught up in a world of irrational­ity, and the General Assembly is virtually certain to play along with a rubber-stamp upgrading of Palestine’s status at the UN, despite its refusal to negotiate peace with Israel.

It might be possible, though, even at the eleventh hour, for the U.S. to wield its financial muscle to dissuade the Palestinia­n Authority from its disastrous course.

But if the matter does go to the General Assembly, the democracie­s of the world should not let themselves be intimidate­d by the automatic avalanche of pro-Palestinia­n votes. A solid, albeit small, democratic phalanx of opposition to Palestinia­n unilateral­ism and support for negotiated peace may awaken the internatio­nal community to its duty.

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