New York Daily News

Rock on with the flu fighters

Battle virus with shots, hand-washing & keeping kids home



As all parents know, schools are breeding grounds for germs and especially the flu.

“The CDC just announced the start of flu season in midSeptemb­er,” says Mount Sinai’s Dr. Meredith Grossman. “There’s no way for schoolchil­dren — or any of us — to avoid being exposed to flu, so the best thing you can do is get the flu shot to maximize your chance of fighting it off.”

Between 15% and 42% of kids in school come down with the flu every year.

Flu is so common that the government doesn’t even track how many Americans get it every year. “Flu is a highly contagious virus that people spread by coughing, sneezing or having a runny nose,” says Grossman.

“It causes a slew of uncomforta­ble symptoms like fever, sore throat, cough, headaches, runny nose, body aches and generally just feeling very unwell,” she said. Severe cases of flu can be fatal.

Although all of us are at risk of catching the flu, certain groups are more susceptibl­e and more likely to develop severe cases. “Babies and the elderly are more vulnerable to the flu, as are people with suppressed immune systems and chronic illnesses, especially respirator­y illnesses like asthma or chronic lung disease,” says Grossman.

“Since we’re all being exposed to flu all the time, it’s just a question of whether you can fight it off or not.”

A routine physical is part of the back-to-school routine, as should be getting a flu shot.

“The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children receive the flu vaccine starting at the age of six months, and then every flu season afterward,” says Grossman.

“It takes two weeks for the vaccine to take effect, so it’s a good idea to get kids vaccinated at the beginning of flu season, which can stretch from September to April.”

Flu shots are readily available at many locations like schools, drugstores and workplaces, in addition to the pediatrici­an’s office.


Flu can cause a wide range of familiar symptoms.

“Fever, sore throat, runny nose, headache, cough, body ache and fatigue are all classic signs that your child has the flu,” says Grossman. “Fever is the most common symptom; 95% or more of children develop a fever with flu, while the other symptoms are variable.”

Flu shots can cause similar symptoms, though the side effects are less severe than the very serious complicati­ons that can arise from flu itself.

“The vaccine’s most common side effects are redness, soreness and swelling at the site of the flu shot. It’s not unusual to have a tender arm for a few days,” says Grossman. “Sometimes patients can get fever, aches, fatigue; but it’s extremely rare to have severe complicati­ons from the flu shot.”



Even if you take all the best preventive measures, it’s inevitable that kids may catch the flu a few times. “Most garden-variety cases of the flu require only supportive care at home,” says Grossman. “That means making sure your is very well-hydrated, watching for any signs of respirator­y distress and treating symptoms — for instance, giving a fever reducer like ibuprofen or acetaminop­hen for headaches.”

Two anti-viral medication­s, Tamiflu and Zanamivir, can be very effective, but should be taken in the first 48 hours of onset.

Part of supportive care is keeping an eye out for signs your child has a severe flu.

“If your child is having trouble breathing, is unable to keep down food, or just looking extremely lethargic, these are all signs that merit taking your child to the doctor and could require hospitaliz­ation,” says Grossman. “In the hospital, we can give kids who are extremely sick with flu Tamiflu, IV fluids and supplement­ary oxygen, if necessary.”

Doctors also keep a sharp eye on hospitaliz­ed patients to prevent bacterial pneumonia, a common severe complicati­on.



Doctors and researcher­s are continuall­y fine-tuning and improving the flu vaccine. “Every year, the vaccine is slightly new and different, based on what strains of the flu virus are out there,” says Grossman.

“For instance, after the swine

Although most flus will clear without requiring profession­al medical care, there are many potential complicati­ons, some of which can be fatal. “Flu is something that needs to be taken seriously,” says Grossman. “And we all need to do our best not to spread flu to other people.”

Getting vaccinated, good handwashin­g and covering coughs and sneezes are steps we all can take to prevent spreading flu. flu epidemic, the seasonal flu vaccine now protects against swine flu,” she says. “So the researcher­s are working very fast to keep up with the strains of flu, which mutate quickly.”


If you have concerns about the flu vaccine, don’t be afraid to ask, “Why should my child vaccinated?” And “What are the associated risks?” Since eventually all parents will have to respond to flu, ask: “What should I do if my child gets the flu?”

“A good rule of thumb in caring for kids with the flu is: Treat the symptoms, like fever and headache,” says Grossman. “If your child feels weak or develops difficulty breathing, call the doctor right away.”

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