New York Daily News




SEPT. 23-OCT. 22

You have opinions, Libra, so don’t be too quick to agree with someone just to be amicable. On the other hand, you don’t want to say something rash that you may regret. Be careful of being rushed into a decision you are not sure of. If possible, give yourself time to thoroughly think through the options and possible outcomes.


OCT. 23-NOV. 21

Beware of people who want to pull you into competitiv­e situations, as it may be set up to take advantage of you. Someone’s sly plan could be about them trying to get noticed at your expense. It’s important not to react, because if their disruptive fire doesn’t have fuel, it will die out.


NOV. 22-DEC. 21

If you are contemplat­ing a change, consult an expert for unbiased advice. When you ask friends for advice, they are likely to give you the answers they want for themselves, not necessaril­y what is best for you. You are great at making your own analysis, so don’t move forward without doing research.


DEC. 22-JAN. 19

Don’t lose sight of your vision. Just because there’s a difficulty with something important, it doesn’t mean that a dream should be aborted. There could be more to a situation, and the whole picture may not be revealed yet. Family has the ability to help or hinder, but either way they will be there offering support.


JAN. 20-FEB. 18

If you are thinking of making major changes, don’t hold back. Change allows you to progress and be the profession­al you are. You can take on new ways of achieving the same thing at work but with more productivi­ty, and it will set you up as an innovator. It’s this can-do attitude that gets the attention of those who can make life-changing decisions.


FEB. 19-MARCH 20

A possible investment or financial matter is likely to have you drawn between what you should and want to do. Sometimes it’s necessary to take a risk, and this may be one of these times. However, be careful you don’t make a decision based on emotions alone, with the absence of logic. If you need time for further analysis, take it before it's too late.



When you communicat­e with a lover or best friend, there is generally room for improvemen­t on both sides. Instead of being quick to see what the other person has done wrong, look to see what you’ve done. If you can't readily see your part in a scenario, reflect for a few hours, but don’t push a matter aside without first taking some responsibi­lity.



With Mars playing havoc with your personal life, and more particular­ly with domestic and family matters, it can be a recipe for disaster, but only if you let emotions take over. With Mars energy, everything happens in a hurry, and this means you could find yourself saying something regrettabl­e if you don’t watch your words.


MAY 21-JUNE 20

To look after your inner well-being is one thing, but your appearance also needs an occasional overhaul. The necessity to keep your body in good condition is a given, but sometimes it’s easy to forget that your overall look also needs ongoing maintenanc­e. There is such a thing as natural beauty, but most people need more than a little help here and there to look their best.



You could feel challenged over the next few days when confronted with a decision that doesn’t appear to have a suitable outcome. If it’s a choice of doing what should be done or following your heart, the decision is easy: Go with your heart. You are always there for others and sometimes it can be detrimenta­l. It’s time to put you first.


JULY 23-AUG. 22

When it concerns love for singles, a connection can hit you like a bolt out of the blue and just when you least expect. For those who are already madly in love, honeymoon love can be renewed. However, during this intense time, it’s also easy for sparks of passion to fly into sparks of fury. Be careful that a minor disagreeme­nt doesn’t turn into a heated outburst.


AUG. 23-SEPT. 22

Whether it relates to a business or social situation, don’t expect friends or work buddies to be mind-readers. You have the capacity to keep track of all the details of a project, but it is also important to brief the other people involved. Be careful of excluding someone from your daily life. When you neglect to fill them in on your activities, they can feel left out.

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