New York Daily News

Plax keeps waiting


PLAXICO BURRESS just keeps holding out hope.

There was a time, a few months ago, when some believed that the troubled 35-year-old receiver would catch on with another NFL team. But six weeks into the regular season, the former Giant and Jets star remains unsigned. And all Burress can do is wait.

“I just remain optimistic,” he said in an interview with the NFL Network on Friday. “I am training three or four days a week. I am waiting for the opportunit­y.”

After spending two years in jail, Burress returned to the NFL with the Jets last season, and while he admits he “didn’t have the explosive legs,” he still showed flashes of his red-zone capabiliti­es with eight TD catches.

Despite that, he received little interest from teams in the offseason. And he admitted that some teams may hold his checkered past against him.

“Yes and no,” Burress said. “You can’t change the past. I have moved on from it. I wish a lot of other people would also.”

Burress seemed to wish that teams could remember how lethal he can be on the field. He said he still believes he can help a team as “a guy that gets one-on-one coverage inside the 30-yard line,” and he points to last season’s success as evidence.

“People say I was away from football for 20 months, but I was away from football for 30 months,” he said. “For me to come out and do some of the things I did last year, that says a lot. . . . My mind-set going into this season was to get in better shape, get my legs back under me and be ready to play football this season.”

And he still believes that can happen, even if he doesn’t have his choice of destinatio­ns.

“I just want to go play football,” Burress said, when asked if the receiver-needy Jets might be a landing spot once again. “It is not a picking and choosing situation. It is about me going out and doing what I love to do, and that’s play football.”

— Samuel

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