New York Daily News

Samsung to teach teens to be app-ier

- Jeff Bukhari

A LOCAL teenager could spark the next big app craze.

Samsung is offering highschool­ers in New York and five other cities across the U.S. a chance to create and develop mobile Android apps through the tech company’s Mobile App Academy.

In its second year, the two-day program aims to teach eligible juniors and seniors interested in STEM — science, technology, engineerin­g and mathematic­s — about the social and educationa­l possibilit­ies of mobile apps and how to develop them.

Students who attend the New York academy, on Aug. 7 and 8 at NYU’s Polytechni­c Institute, will then submit their own app concept proposals for a chance to win $20,000 towards their college education, plus an opportunit­y to work with developers to build the student’s applicatio­n idea.

Second- and third-place winners receive $10,000 and $5,000, respective­ly. All participan­ts must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and be in two or more AP and/or Honors classes in STEM subjects.

“These are already high performing students in STEM and their passion for learning is very inspiring,” Cindy Chang, Samsung Telecommun­ications America marketing manager, told the Daily News.

“We want to give (them) a hands-on opportunit­y to learn about app developmen­t so they will continue on into careers that will help shape the future of mobile technology.”

Visit­demy for more.

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