New York Daily News




JUNE 21-JULY 22 With Jupiter, the planet of abundance, moving into your sign, a new undertakin­g has an air of success about it, but don’t start celebratin­g until everything is finalized. Until you sign off on things, it is wise to keep quiet, even to loved ones. You don’t want details to end up with the wrong people.


JULY 23-AUG. 22 Love planet Venus in your sign has a strong influence on your personal life, and Mercury retrograde in your solar 12th house can uncover someone’s secrets over this period. Informatio­n can shed fresh light on a situation. Have an open mind, and don’t be too quick to form a judgment.


AUG. 23-SEPT. 22 When it comes to finalizing a business arrangemen­t, be careful you don’t consult people who can’t offer the level of knowledge you need. Friends may have your best interests at heart, but if you need profession­al advice, ask someone who specialize­s in that area.


SEPT. 23-OCT. 22 Money comes and goes. It supports the economy, so don’t be too concerned if you spend dollars on areas that will help you get ahead at work. However, before you make a substantia­l purchase, it is wise to take time to research your decision to ensure you have no regrets.


OCT. 23-NOV. 21 Keep an eye out for influentia­l people in your field of work. A connection with them can help you move a step closer to your goals. If you are looking for a job, opportunit­ies can be presented through people you know or may meet. Stay alert, and be ready to follow up on a chance meeting.


NOV. 22-DEC. 21 If cash has been in short supply the past year or two, the good news is your financial position can change this year. Having the support of people who can aid you financiall­y will boost your self-assurance. This will help you associate with people whom you were hesitant to mix with before.


DEC. 22-JAN. 19 If you want to be an effective leader, learn to delegate. Knowing how to manage time and people can move you up the ladder of success. However, make sure you pass jobs to people who have the required skill set; otherwise you will only create more work for yourself.


JAN. 20-FEB. 18 You can expect different business options to be presented to you for considerat­ion, but don’t be overly influenced by what others do or say. It is up to you to decide how to proceed. Now, you can set a new time and course to follow. Today’s choices will set the ground rules for tomorrow, so choose carefully.


FEB. 19-MARCH 20 It is not always wise to be too friendly with the people you work with. At the end of the day, business is business. When you become too familiar with someone, it can be difficult to negotiate the best deal for yourself. When you put some distance between you and others, it can work to your advantage.


MARCH 21-APRIL 19 With Jupiter, the planet of expansion and abundance, transiting to your solar fourth house of home for a whole year, family will be high on your priorities this next year. When you are close to family, you can pick up if something is amiss, even if they don’t share everything that is going on in their lives.


APRIL 20-MAY 20 Travel may be on your mind, but if it is not possible to take a trip now, at least do the research to ensure a smooth transactio­n when you’re able to go. If you are on a budget, don’t overcommit yourself, as this will only cause additional stress. Part of the reason for getting away is to reduce stress, not add to it.


MAY 21-JUNE 20 With beneficial planet Jupiter transiting out of your sign and to your solar second house of love and money, change is imminent. Something in your life will end in order to introduce something new. Prepare to jettison things that no longer serve you, because you are heading in a new direction.

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