New York Daily News

Wimby has been a climb


WIMBLEDON — The Polish constructi­on guys want to see the Radwanska sisters and are asking for Wimbledon tickets. They have about as much chance as my neighbors when they start begging for Super Bowl tickets at the Meadowland­s.

A lot of extra stuff needs to be covered over the next 12 months: the All-Star Game at Citi Field, the Super Bowl at MetLife, the Olympics in Russia and the World Cup in Brazil. That’s not counting the Knicks in the NBA Finals or the Yankees in the World Series. For good reason.

My thighs ache, and I know why. There are 41 steps up from the kitchen on St. George’s Ave. to the guest room. There are 48 steps from the Wimbledon press center to the cafeteria. If you add all the trips, plus the stairways at tube stops, I walk up an average of 542 steps every day. There are only 354 steps to the Statue of Liberty crown, and at least you feel patriotic when you get to the top.

Constructi­on has expanded into the room where Doula had kept her vast wardrobe. Clothes were moved into the bedroom, and there is no longer enough space for Colin, who’s been exiled elsewhere for sleep. Coincident­ally, Colin didn’t budge to help Doula when she set a towel on fire while cooking.

I read how Matt Harvey has done a naked photo shoot with ESPN and saw his quote, “I take a lot of pride in taking care of my body, eating healthy and making sure I stay in the best shape I can.” All very nice, but Harvey should stop chewing tobacco, which is the worst health scourge of them all for ballplayer­s.

Thoughts go out to Ji m Hancock, a big tennis fan, recovering from brain surgery. Hope to see him again at Flushing Meadows, many Opens to come . . .

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