New York Daily News

Putin foes Pussy-foot it out of jail

- BYROCCO PARASCANDO­LA, SHAYNA JACOBS and BILL HUTCHINSON With David Handschuh, Natalie Musumeci, Daniel Beekman and David Boroff The Associated Press

THE GRIEVING mother of a 3-year-old boy tossed to his death from an Upper West Side skyscraper by his suicidal father called the tragedy her estranged husband’s “sick” way of stealing their son.

Svetlana Kanarikov revealed her husband, Dmitriy Kanarikov, once threatened to snatch their son, Kirill, if he didn’t get “everything we had together” in a divorce.

He ominously predicted she would “shoot (herself) from grief” after he had taken the boy, Svetlana Kanarikov said in a statement late Monday.

On Sunday, Kanarikov picked up Kirill for their first unsupervis­ed, three-hour visit. He took the boy, who was dressed in Christmas pajamas, to the top of a 52-story W. 60th St. building near Lincoln Center, flung him off the roof and then jumped to his death, cops said.

“Kirill was a very sweet, wonderful child, who was loved very much,” the mother said.

She said she left her 35-year-old husband in August and filed for divorce after he turned violent and controllin­g.

“I . . . sought refuge in my parents’ house in New Jersey with our son,” the heartbroke­n mother said.

“There was an incident of domestic violence two years before and since then, our relationsh­ip was dominated by his need to control me, until finally I had to flee,” Svetlana Kanarikov said.

She took out a restrainin­g order, but withdrew it in October when she and her husband agreed that Kirill would live with her and the father would visit on Sundays.

Svetlana Kanarikov said a New Jersey judge just last Wednesday granted her temporary po a y custody of o Kirill.

Her estranged spouse appeared to accept the initial supervised visitation arrangemen­t and she volunteere­d to let him speak k to Kirill every day on Skype.

“I was nervous about the visits, but the father never did anything violent against the child before,” the mother said.

The visits went well on Dec. 8 in n New Jersey and on Dec. 15 in n Brooklyn, where Dmitriy Kanarikkov lived.

“Both times Kirill was happy after seeing his dad,” she said.

But in hindsight, Svetlana na Kanarikov now believes the father her was just waiting to get the child ild alone and that he’d been plotting the deadly murder-suicide leap for days. ys.

“This was his sick way to take ake Kirill away from me,” she said. “He planned it before the visit, and probably after the judge ordered him to pay child support on Dec. 18.”

At 10 a.m. Sunday, Dmitriy Kanarikov picked up the red-haired toddler at the 17th Precinct stationhou­se in Midtown, a public spot he and his wife agreed on to make the exchange.

The dad told his parents he planned to take the boy to Grand Central Terminal. “Instead (he) went to a building he knew from visiting his friend there before, went to the roof and killed my son,” Svetlana Kanarikov said.

As she now plans her son’s funeral, she vowed, “He will forever live on in my heart.” HIS SICK WAY TO HURT ME

Mom’s agony after tot tossed ‘I was nervous’ over dad visits

KRASNOYARS­K, Russia — The last two imprisoned members of the Russian punk band Pussy Riot walked free Monday and one called for a boycott of the Winter Olympics to protest Russia’s human rights record.

Maria Alekhina and Nadezhda Tolokonnik­ova were granted amnesty last week in a move largely viewed as the Kremlin’s attempt to soothe criticism of Russia’s human rights record before the Sochi Games in February.

“I’m calling for a boycott of the Olympic Games,” Tolokonnik­ova said. “What is happening today — releasing people just a few months before their term expires — is a cosmetic measure.”

 ??  ?? Adorable 3-year-old Kirill Kanarikov, with mom Svetlana and dad Dmitriy (below), was murdered by father. The mom said her relationsh­ip with the killer “was dominated by his need to control me.”
Adorable 3-year-old Kirill Kanarikov, with mom Svetlana and dad Dmitriy (below), was murdered by father. The mom said her relationsh­ip with the killer “was dominated by his need to control me.”

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