New York Daily News

Keep an eye on Jones


Felicity Jones’ new movie is called “The Invisible Woman,” but this 30-year-old budding star won’t be obscure for very long. The Oxford-educated British actress best known for the 2011 indie “Like Crazy” has garnered talk of a possible Oscar nomination for “The Invisible Woman.”

Beyond that, on May 2, she’ll make her blockbuste­r debut as a (possible) villainess in “The Amazing Spider-Man 2.” Then she’ll drop her accent to play an American in “True Story,” opposite James Franco and Jonah Hill.

The Internet’s buzzing about her, too: There was a Web crusade to get Jones cast in the upcoming film version of “50 Shades of Grey” (“I was never given a script or ever offered it,” she says). And webheads have been puzzling over exactly who she plays in “Spider-Man.” (Best guess is Felicia Hardy, who becomes the sexy thief the Black Cat.)

“As long as you’re doing stuff you have a passion for, having people love your work and getting feedback is part of the deal,” Jones says. “You watch atch TV or films, you enjoy the people in them, it’s a natural ral thing.

“Audiences are tough, though. People may love or hate what you do, and you have to be strong.” g.”

In “Invisible Woman,” which opens Wednesday, Jones plays Nelly Ternan, longtime mistress of author hor Charles Dickens — played by Ralph h Fiennes, who also directed.

Fiennes credits Jones’ talent as the reason her star is rising. ng.

“When I watch Felicity, , I feel there’s a universe inside her she’s not signaling,” says Fiennes. nes. “That’s great acting.”

As for her budding celebrity, brity, and whether her “Spider-Man” Man” appearance is the beginning ng of more comic-book adventures, Jones s has learned the art of superhero-speak: Keep eep mum.

“We’ve always looked up to gods and things bigger than ourselves, ves, and superhero movies represent that. at. But I can’t say anything! That’s my refrain.” efrain.”

 ??  ?? Rising British actress Felicity Jones
Joe Neumaier
Rising British actress Felicity Jones Joe Neumaier

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