New York Daily News

Stop the slaughter of horses


Phoenix: This was my response to Sen. John McCain of Arizona after he emailed me telling me that he supported the Horse Slaughter Act: The Republican­s have just lost my vote. As a former long-time Republican, I will put up with President Obama rather than this. Old horses should be humanely euthanized if there is no other home, not slaughtere­d. There needs to be legislatio­n to prevent the transport of horses to slaughterh­ouses outside the U.S. Horses have been man’s friends for thousands of years, yet their last moments are spent in terror. If Obama issues an executive order to stop this, he has my support.

As for you, Mr. McCain, this is the last straw. Would you sell your beloved pet horse to slaughter for money? My next vote will be Democratic. The people behind this are interested in nothing but money at the expense of man’s best friend. I will support Obama, humaneness and kindness. Tamara K. Wood

Low blow

South River, N.J.: Re “Christie’s load of bull” (editorial, Jan. 10): The only thing pathetic is your bias against Chris Christie. I have been a reader for more then 50 years and have never seen anything like this. So far, President Obama has not had the courage to come out and admit his mistakes, except to blame everyone else. And Hillary Clinton still will not take responsibi­lity for the mess in Benghazi that cost our country four lives. You should just report the news, and let the people judge what happened.

Robert Belloff

Arresting question

Philadelph­ia: I am not an attorney, but I would have thought it was a criminal offense to endanger the lives of thousands of people by causing four days of massive traffic jams for no legitimate reason. I wonder if everyone responsibl­e for the GWB lane closings should be prosecuted for an offense akin to reckless endangerme­nt. If the crime reaches to Gov. Chris Christie, he might qualify for an insanity defense. He could not distinguis­h between right and wrong. Bruce S. Ticker

Curious contrast

Staten Island: Does anyone else find it strange that Democratic politician­s are so enraged at allegation­s that Gov. Christie knew about the GWB lane closings back in September? When our President claims ignorance about Benghazi, the IRS scandal and Obamacare, etc., nary a word is spoken. Joanne Clemente

Toast of the party

Bronx: To Gov. Chris Christie: Welcome to the Dead Zone. You are now finished. Mary Caggiano

Another bridge scandal

Manhattan: The decision by Gov. Christie’s aide to plot a traffic nightmare on the George Washington Bridge pales in compari- son to what New York’s vindictive transporta­tion commission­er, Janette Sadik-Khan, did when she reconfigur­ed a Queensboro Bridge exit ramp, making it a death trap with a hard right turn instead of going straight ahead onto Queens Blvd. Four people in the last two years have been killed on this ramp, including a policewoma­n from Manhattan’s 17th Precinct last month. Sue Siskind

Piggish politics

Montclair, N.J.: Bridgegate shows what a hostile, petty tone Chris Christie has set among his staff. Similarly, his mean streak was on full display last year when he vetoed the extremely popular gestation crate ban sponsored by state Sen. Raymond Lesniak, which would have outlawed pork producers’ unconscion­able practice of confining mother pigs in cages so small they can’t turn around. Christie vetoed it to placate wealthy GOP donors in Iowa, the home of the first presidenti­al primary and the largest pork industry in the country. I’m glad the rest of the country is finally seeing that Christie is about only one thing: advancing his political career at any cost.

Nancy Kaplan

Taking sides

Jackson, N.J.: The press used to be considered the fourth estate, meaning it was separate from the government and acted as a watchdog for the people. But your paper and others are now becoming the propaganda machine for Hillary Clinton. First, The New York Times publishes a whitewash of the Benghazi scandal. Now, you go after one of the Republican­s who may run against her. I think I need to stop buying your paper, as you have lost your independen­ce.

Rich Maddalena

The true scandal

Secaucus, N.J.: To Gov. Christie: The good people of Long Island ended their misery by simply replacing the Long Island Power Authority with PSE&G. Why not follow this example and either disband or restructur­e the Port Authority? Manhattan is a mere five miles away from Secaucus. Why the hell does it take two hours or more to travel such a short distance at 7 a.m.? This is an issue that should have been looked into before the Fort Lee fiasco. Gary Weiss

Scandal, shmandal

Salt Lake City: You’re being far too hard on Chris Christie, Daily News. A traffic jam as political punishment? Come visit Utah, where Bill Clinton stole 2 million acres of land in retaliatio­n after he came in third in Utah, behind even Ross Perot. Clinton was so contemptuo­us of Utah that he announced his theft from across the border in Arizona. Traffic jam? Call the waambulanc­e. But don’t call me until Christie steals 4% of New Jersey’s land.

Loren Minert

The good-bye governor Manhattan: Stick a fork in him, he’s done. If Chris Christie knew anything about the bridge closing, or even looked the other way, he should be impeached and maybe criminally charged. If he knew nothing — which is hard to believe, given what a control freak he is — he created this environmen­t. He throws Bridget Kelly under the bus for lying to him. He doesn’t get it. The crime was closing the bridge lanes, not lying to the boss. Paul S. Scher

Selective silence

Greenwood Lake, N.Y.: Nice veiled insult on the front page (“Fat chance now, Chris,” Jan. 9). It this was a school paper, you’d be accused of bullying — but I digress. If you think a few lane closures are enough to sink presidenti­al aspiration­s, I’d love to hear what you have to say on Benghazi. You seemed pretty quiet on that issue.

Joe Fioramonti

How soon we forget

Pearl River, N.Y.: While I find the actions of members of the Christie administra­tion reprehensi­ble — and prosecutio­ns should follow — I cannot but feel sad that there is a greater hue and cry over lane closures in Fort Lee, N.J., than there is over the terrorist attack on our U.S. mission in Benghazi, which resulted in the death of four Americans, and the “wag the dog” cover-up that followed. David Foreman

Causes and effects

Manhattan: Along with Global Warming comes Global Dumbing. It’s just hard to figure which came first. Suzy Sandor

Shop flop

Rockaway Park: After going to Macy’s for the first time in ages, I heard about its impending massive layoffs (“Trimming at Macy’s,” Jan. 9). I’d like to recommend that Macy’s start with the women’s department in Kings Plaza. With endless lines, my daughter walked over to a cashier who was sipping a drink, asked her if she could ring up a sale and was promptly told, “I’m closed.” At another register, the sale prices did not come up properly, so the cashier told us to go to the department the items were from — but there was no open register there. She again attempted to ring up the items and got the prices all wrong — and I walked away empty-handed and disgusted. Kudos to Macy’s for its choices of employees. Your salespeopl­e are rude and clueless and throwing sales down the drain. Elyse Rubin

Numbers tell the story

West Islip, L.I.: Sorry, Voicer Jo-Ann Maginnis, but Thurman Munson was not better than Mike Piazza. The numbers speak for themselves. Piazza’s career stats were 427 homers, 1,335 RBI, .308 batting average. Munson’s numbers were 113, 701, .292. Yes, you could say that Munson’s career was tragically cut short. But players are voted into the Hall of Fame by what they accomplish­ed on the field, not by what they might have accomplish­ed. Piazza was the best-hitting catcher in MLB history, and should have already been elected to the Hall of Fame. Francis Schultz


Brooklyn: Hey, Mayor de Blasio, we elected you for change. Why is it taking so long to appoint new fire, emergency management, correction, etc., commission­ers? Please don’t become Mayor de Lazyo. Cassidy Lanagan

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