New York Daily News

ZIM BoUt oUt

Promoter pulls fight with rapper DMX

- BYSTEPHEN REXBROWN sbrown@nydailynew­

A NAUSEATING boxing match between Trayvon Martin’s killer and a cash-strapped rapper is going down for the count.

Celebrity boxing promoter Damon Feldman announced on Twitter on Saturday that he canceled a controvers­ial fight between George Zimmerman and DMX.

“It was my decision to cancel the george zimmerman fight. It was worth a lot of money to me but people’s feelings meant more to me,” Feldman tweeted.

The appalling match, which would have profited from the death of the 17-year-old Trayvon, was originally slated for March 1.

Both fighters could use the cash. Zimmerman, 30, who was acquitted of second-degree murder in the death last year, is said to be overwhelme­d by legal bills. DMX filed for bankruptcy in July.

“I walked away from (a) million dollar payday with this fight, but to be honest I’d rather be happy and make people happy thank you,” Feldman tweeted.

If the match had taken place, it likely wouldn’t have been a fair fight, anyway. Feldman has said his fights featuring has-beens like Jose Canseco, Tonya Harding and Rodney King are akin to “the WWE of boxing.”

As the shameful publicity stunt fell apart, hundreds of people marched in Miami Gardens, Fla., to commemorat­e the second anniversar­y sary of Trayvon’s death.

Actor Jamie Foxx told marchers gun owners need to be more responsibl­e.

“We’re in a culture where things are sort of getting out of control,” Foxx said, according to The Miami Herald.

Trayvon’s mother and father also addressed the crowd.

“It has been 712 long days since Trayvon was s killed,” his father, Tracy y Martin, said, according g to The Herald. “If there e is any good about it, it’s s that you all are keeping g his name alive. You all are our strength.”

Other attendees at the gathering — which took place three days after what would have been Trayvon’s 19th birthday

— are no stranger to racially charged tragedies.

The family of Emmett Till, a 14-year-old murdered in Mississi sippi in 1955 after fl flirting with a w white woman, jo joined the march.

The family of O Oscar Grant was a also present.

Grant, 22, was fa fatally shot in Oakla land, Calif., on N New Year’s Day 2 2009 by a transit poli police officer while in handcuffs.

The case inspired the film “Fruitvale Station.”

A gala hosted by the Trayvon Martin Foundation will be held Sunday in Davie, Fla.

Trayvon’s death on Feb. 26, 2012, ignited a fierce national debate about race and the justice system’s treatment of cases involving minority-group members.

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George Zimmerman (r.) vs. DMX (far r.) match is off.
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