New York Daily News

Common Core critics, what are you for?

We can’t return to old, failed system

- BY MICHAEL J. PETRILLI and MICHAEL BRICKMAN Petrilli and Brickman are, respective­ly, executive vice president and national policy director of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute.

For almost two decades, the U.S. has been working to improve its public schools by holding them accountabl­e for results on standardiz­ed tests. And there’s been some success, with America’s lowestperf­orming students showing marked gains.

Unfortunat­ely, similar progress hasn’t been made for students in the middle or at the top. That shouldn’t be surprising, since the standards and tests that most states put into place — including in New York — were set at ridiculous­ly low levels.

Now we see the result of these policies: Many young people have been taking and passing these tests and then emerging from high school unready for college-level work or decent-paying jobs.

As a result, many graduates were forced to get remedial education — which meant taxpayers paid twice to educate them. According to a recent study, New Yorkers could have saved roughly a quarter-billion dollars in 2007-08 if the state hadn’t needed to provide just such remediatio­n.

Back then, the Thomas B. Fordham Institute — the think tank where we examine policy issues and promote reforms in K-12 education — reviewed New York’s standards, and graded them a C in English and a B in mathematic­s.

In 2010, however, New York woke up — and adopted the Common Core State Standards, the product of a multiyear, state-led effort aimed at aligning school expectatio­ns for students with the demands of the real world. We rated these new standards a B+ in English-language arts and an A- in math.

We have long advocated for higher, clearer, big-picture standards. For those unfamiliar, standards aren’t the curriculum that’s taught in classrooms; they’re broad benchmarks that define which essential skills and knowledge are needed at various grades.

The new Common Core standards don’t change the fact that complex education decisions about how to implement standards still belong with states, communitie­s, teachers and parents.

In recent months, we have been puzzled by the small but vocal minority of conservati­ves who have joined forces with some on the far left to oppose the Common Core. It’s appropriat­e to worry about threats like federal interventi­on into schools, ideologica­l indoctrina­tion of students and poor-quality instructio­n.

But the Common Core doesn’t promote any of those things. Instead, it pushes schools, teachers and students to higher levels of achievemen­t and deeper levels of skill-and-content knowledge than most have accomplish­ed in the past — and far more than New York’s old standards ever aspired to.

Leaders in New York should now stand up to misguided and illinforme­d political attacks and demand answers from both liberal and conservati­ve critics of the Common Core.

Would those on the left really remove testing and other measures that ensure that parents and teachers know whether students are learning all that they should — and enable them to help those who aren’t?

Would those on the right really have New Yorkers send their children to schools that are forced to scrap these higher standards?

We welcome debate over the Common Core, but the facts are clear: New York, to its credit, has opted to set a higher bar for student learning. Opponents have an obligation to say what they would do instead. Settle for yesterday’s weak standards and today’s lackluster performanc­e?

If someone offers a better option, we will support it. If states choose to use flexibilit­y built into the Common Core to improve their standards even more, we will support that, too.

In the meantime, however, something very promising is on the table. Attention and energy should go into devising the best way to put it into practice in New York. New York made a choice for the better when it adopted the Common Core. It must not turn back now, especially under pressure from a few loud opponents without a better plan.

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