New York Daily News

Cuomo’s marijuana copout

Doctors tell seniors: Ask your kids for pot

- HARRY SIEGEL hsiegel@nydailynew­

There comes a point when social arrangemen­ts that had been broadly accepted are exposed as cruel anachronis­ms. Not letting women vote. Banning alcohol (ironically, aided by suffragett­es). Not letting homosexual­s marry. Arresting people for a joint.

Eventually, America tends to get these things right — but that’s cold comfort to those damaged by mean, stupid laws in the meantime. How do you ask someone to be the last person punished for a mistake widely recognized as one?

On marijuana, New Yorkers are ready for a change. It’s our politician­s, Gov. Cuomo chief among them, who won’t heed the will of the people.

Nearly three in five of us think recreation­al marijuana should be legal, with a majority of every age group except senior citizens agreeing. Eighty-three percent of voters under 30 support it, as do most Democrats and independen­ts, and even two in five Republican­s. Women support it. Men support it by nearly two-to-one.

Nearly half of us say we’ve used marijuana. I know carpenters, professors, housewives, law-enforcemen­t officials and plenty of other people who use it. You know some, too, whether you know it or not.

Criminaliz­ing common behavior is bad news, and New Yorkers know it.

Whatever damage pot does, the law isn’t doing much, if anything, to restrain it, while it’s plainly adding new damages — arrests and needless criminal records, meted out mostly to the most vulnerable among us, who are more likely to be stopped, more likely to end up in the criminal justice system and more likely to be damaged by it.

Young men of color are no more likely than their white peers to smoke weed — they’re just much more likely to be punished for it. That’s not right.

After two decades of falling crime rates, prison population­s are still rising nationwide, and marijuana is a big reason why. That’s not right.

In New York, 97% of marijuana arrests are for possession. That’s not right.

Especially when the internet has made street-level selling much more rare. Juice shops now sell juice, not dime bags.

Those 65 and older remain strongly (38-57) against legalizati­on and, of course, they vote, which helps explain why Cuomo’s office declared a bill from Manhattan State Sen. Liz Krueger to legalize, tax and regulate it “a non-starter.”

Krueger says older people tell her “my doctor said marijuana might be helpful, but they can’t prescribe it. They say tell your kids or your grandkids to get it. And the grandparen­ts say to me, I don’t want to get my kids in trouble with the law.”

So sick grandparen­ts can’t get weed, but about every 15-year-old in the city can. Of course, what they’re getting is completely unregulate­d, sometimes laced — and, by definition, only available from criminals, who are in endless supply.

If you arrest a murderer, there’s one less murderer on the streets. If you arrest a dealer, it’s an opportunit­y for someone with hustle to profit from market demand.

While Cuomo has given some ground on medical marijuana, offering a limited and unimpressi­ve plan in response to near universal (88%) public support for it, he’s yet to yield on commercial usage — even as he’s pushed hard to expand casino gambling.

No one goes bankrupt buying weed, but they do spend serious money on it. A proposal put out last year by former city controller and mayoral candidate John Liu used back-of-the-envelope calculatio­ns (it’s tough to come up with hard numbers for an undergroun­d economy) to conservati­vely estimate that the New York City mar- ket alone would generate over $400 million in tax revenue, while saving $31 million in police and court costs.

That’s real money, enough of it to pay for Mayor de Blasio’s plan for universal pre-K and afterschoo­l programs for every junior high schooler.

I’m not much for high people, or drunk ones. But it’s not the state’s business, and New Yorkers know it. The real question: Do we need to wait for our parents and grandparen­ts to die before we stop needlessly arresting their children and grandchild­ren?

Legalizing marijuana would be a rare twofer for the state: a chance to right a wrong and make money at the same time. And because Colorado and other states have gone first — and haven’t socially imploded — we can improve on their models and deal with, err, sticky issues like high drivers and protecting kids from edibles.

“It’s not just the positive fiscal impact,” said Liu. “It’s ameliorati­ng pain and suffering” for people and communitie­s.

“And it’s already happening and picking up speed in other states and municipali­ties. Its just a matter of time for New York.”

Or we can cling to a cruel anachronis­m. Governor?

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