New York Daily News

Spot-on for millennial­s


Call it home ec for millennial­s. Self-styled hygienista Jolie Kerr — who does the “Ask Ask a Clean Per Person” column for the hip fem blog the Hairpin — has written a full-length version, , “My Boyfriend Barfed in My Handbag ... and Other Things You Can’t Ask Martha” (r.), to help 18- to 34-yearolds get their lives in clean, working order.

The title came from a reader question. But the book goes further, th providing idi th the Dirtiest Generation with basic rules for dishwashin­g (clean dishes, drain sink, rinse dishes), cleaning Formica or stainless steel and, most important, ridding clothing of embarrassi­ng stains including, but not limited to, bodily fluids and bong water.

Clearly, today’s youngsters need all the help they can get. Here are Kerr’s top tips:

DRUG WAR With marijuana consumptio­n on the rise, new users should be aware that bongs get clogged with residue. Kerr’s solution: Place the pipe in warm water and drop in an Alka-Seltzer.

OUT, DAMN SPOTS Some stains are evidence of a healthy love life — but they still need to be cleaned. Treat the stained area and throw everything in the wash (and don’t wait two weeks to do the laundry!). Kerr loves OxiClean for “protein stains,” as she calls them. One more thing: Do not use bleach — it only makes such stains worse.

If the stain is blood, run it under cold water as soon as possible; treat with simple hand soap, or soak the area in a bowl of hydrogen peroxide for 15-20 minutes. THE DUSTUP It’s tough to reach the blades of ceiling fans, but Kerr’s solution is so easy, it’s silly: Hook an old pillowcase over the blade, then yank it off. Voila! The dust and gunk come off right into the case. Problem solved (if you do the laundry, of course).

GYM RATS Gym clothes never smell fresh, even after washing. So to get rid of permasweat, fill a basin with cold water and an equal-parts mixture of Woolite and regular white vinegar. Let the clothes soak for half an hour. Air-dry and get back on that yoga mat.

WRETCHED EXCESS Another reader wrote about the aftermath of a party that featured lots of alcohol and the ultimate rejection of that alcohol. But everything can be cleaned: Using a damp towel or rag, massage bleach into the stain.

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