New York Daily News

Charter boss: We’re a huge hit


SUCCESS Academy CEO Eva Moskowitz says applicatio­ns are up 56% this year for her high-performing charter school network, with more than 6,000 families already seeking admission.

“Clearly, parents respond to choice and are making informed decisions about our schools, opting for science five days a week, chess, art and sports, because our whole-child approach engages children,” she said Thursday. “Parents are desperate for high- quality charter schools.”

Success Academy officials said demand for their schools reached an all-time high last year, with more than 16,400 families vying for fewer than 3,000 open seats.

Success Academy operates 32 city schools, with another 14 schools approved to open by 2016.

Moskowitz (pictured) brawled with Mayor de Blasio over finding homes for three charters in 2014 and said earlier this week that city delays in finding sites for her schools could set back their openings.

Speaking to the conservati­ve American Enterprise Institute in Washington on Tuesday, Moskowitz predicted a battle with de Blasio over her plan to create 100 city charters — a mark she hopes to hit by 2024.

City Education Department officials have said they are committed to serving all the city’s children, whether they attend charter schools or not.

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