New York Daily News

That’s supper!

CityMeals delivers its 50 millionth meal


SHE’S ONE in 50 million.

CityMeals delivered its milestone 50 millionth meal Thursday to a delighted Upper East Side resident.

Program founders Marcia Stein and Gael Greene, the longtime food critic, surprised the recipient with one of her favorite meals — chicken, quinoa pilaf and Brussels sprouts.

“You are famous, very famous,” Florence, a 70-year-old who wished that her last name not be used, exclaimed when she saw Greene. “I don’t know what I would do without you people,” she said. “Roast chicken is the best. You can’t go wrong.”

CityMeals began its long road to the 50th million meal in 1981 after New York magazine restaurant critic Greene and renowned chef James Beard learned that homebound elderly New Yorkers were going without food on weekends and hollidays when senior or centers were closed.

“I was just like a bitchy restaurant crittic,” Greene joked. d. “We weren’t going to go to the moon. We were not going to cure cancer. We were just going to deliver meals.”

Florence said her two grown children, ages 44 and 42, don’t visit much. “It’s been isolating to tell you the truth,” she said. A retired adjunct instructor at City College, she has a hard time making ends meet without a p pension, she said.

CityMeals stops b by her house Tuesdays and Thursdays and delivers enough food for the week.

“I’ve been a member 10 years,” Florence said. “I feel it’s like an elite society.”

 ?? RICHARD HARBUS ?? CityMeals’ Gael Greene (r.) and Marcia Stein and Florence (l.).
RICHARD HARBUS CityMeals’ Gael Greene (r.) and Marcia Stein and Florence (l.).

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