New York Daily News

A travesty of a torture report

After 9/11, fear of a second attack was hardly irrational

- CHARLES KRAUTHAMME­R letters@charleskra­

The report by Democrats on the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee regarding CIA interrogat­ion essentiall­y accuses the agency under George W. Bush of war criminalit­y. Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein appears to offer some extenuatio­n when she reminds us in the report’s preamble of the shock and “pervasive fear” felt after 9/11.

It’s a common theme (often echoed by President Obama): Amid panic and disorienta­tion, we lost our moral compass and made awful judgments. The results are documented in the committee report. They must never happen again.

It’s a kind of temporary-insanity defense for the Bush administra­tion. And it is not just unctuous condescens­ion but hypocritic­al nonsense. In the aftermath of 9/11, there was nothing irrational about believing a second attack was a serious possibilit­y and everything should be done to prevent it. Indeed, this was the considered opinion of the CIA, the administra­tion, the congressio­nal leadership and the American people.

Al Qaeda had successful­ly mounted four major attacks on American targets in three years. The pace was accelerati­ng and the scale vastly increasing. The country then suffered a deadly anthrax attack of unknown origin. Al Qaeda was known to be seeking weapons of mass destructio­n.

We were so blindsided that we estab- lished a 9/11 commission to find out why. And we knew next to nothing about the enemy: its methods, structure, intentions, plans. There was nothing morally deranged about deciding as a nation to do everything necessary to find out what we needed to prevent a repetition, or worse. As Feinstein said at the time, “We have to do some things that historical­ly we have not wanted to do to protect ourselves.”

Nancy Pelosi, then ranking member of the House Intelligen­ce Committee, was briefed about the interrogat­ion program, including the so-called torture techniques. As were the other intelligen­ce committee leaders. “We understood what the CIA was doing,” wrote Porter Goss, Pelosi’s chairman on the House committee. “We gave the CIA our bipartisan support; we gave the CIA funding to carry out its activities.”

Democrat Jay Rockefelle­r, while the vice chairman of the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee, was asked in 2003 about turning over Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to countries known to torture. He replied: “I wouldn’t take anything off the table where he is concerned.”

There was no uproar about this open countenanc­ing of torture-by-proxy. Which demonstrat­es not just the shamelessn­ess of Democrats today denouncing practices to which, at the time and at the very least, they made no objection. It demonstrat­es also how near-consensual was the idea that our national emergency might require extraordin­ary measures.

This is not to say that in carrying out the program there weren’t abuses, excesses, mismanagem­ent and appalling mistakes (such as the death in custody — unintended but still unforgivab­le — of two detainees). It is to say that the root-and-branch denunciati­on of the program as, in principle, unconscion­able is not just hypocritic­al but ahistorica­l.

To produce a prosecutor­ial brief so entirely and relentless­ly one-sided, the committee report (written solely by Democrats) excluded any testimony from the people involved and variously accused. None. No interviews, no hearings, no statements.

The excuse offered by the committee is that a parallel Justice Department inquiry precluded committee interviews. Rubbish. That inquiry ended in 2012. It’s December 2014. Why didn’t they take testimony in the interval? Moreover, even during the DOJ investigat­ion, the three CIA directors and many other officials were exempt from any restrictio­ns. Why weren’t they interviewe­d?

Answer: So that committee Democrats could make their indictment without contradict­ion. So they could declare, for example, the whole program to be a failure that yielded no important informatio­n — a conclusion denied by practicall­y every major figure involved.

Perhaps, say the critics, but we’ll never know whether less harsh interrogat­ion would have sufficed.

So what was the Bush administra­tion to do? Amid the smoking ruins of Ground Zero, conduct a controlled experiment in gentle interrogat­ion and wait to see if we’d be hit again? A nation attacked is not a laboratory for exquisite moral experiment­s. It’s a trust to be protected, by whatever means meet and fit the threat.

Accordingl­y, under the direction of the Bush administra­tion and with the acquiescen­ce of congressio­nal leadership, the CIA conducted an uncontroll­ed experiment. It did everything it could, sometimes clumsily, sometimes cruelly, indeed, sometimes wrongly.

But successful­ly. They kept us safe.

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