New York Daily News

Two paths ‘Into the Woods’


Two intriguing production­s of “Into the Woods” plant themselves in theaters this holiday season. The big-budget Disney film adaptation of Stephen Sondheim and James Lapine’s fairy-tale musical opens Christmas Day, while the ever-imaginativ­e Fiasco Theater’s version starts previews Dec. 18 at the Laura Pels Theatre.

It’s the same source material — the 1987 Broadway musical — but these takes are as different as night and day, or at least evergreens and oaks.


Film: A cast of dozens, led by big stars including Meryl Streep, Johnny Depp, Emily Blunt, Anna Kendrick, Chris Pine, James Corden and Tracey Ullman.

Stage: Eleven actors playing 17 roles.


Film: A furry Depp as a wolf who beguiles Little Red Riding Hood.

Stage: Noah Brody, one of the troupe’s artistic directors, holds a stuffed wolf’s head while singing the saucy “Hello, Little Girl.”


Film: Rapunzel’s endless golden locks look like the real deal — even when besotted boys climb them to get closer.

Stage: A yellow scarf. Lather, rinse, repeat? Nah. Toss it in the washing machine.


Film: Lucy Punch and Tammy Blanchard play Cinderella’s wicked stepsister­s. They screech like magpies and show plenty of skin in their ball gowns.

Stage: Brody and Andy Groteluesc­hen play the evil sibs. They dress for the ball by holding floral frocks hanging on a rod in front of them.


Film: The forest, built on a London soundstage, actually had “birds nested in the trees,” Ullman told the Daily News.

Stage: Derek McLane’s spare set conjures an exploded piano and fits Fiasco’s minimal esthetic.


Film: Milky White, Jack’s (of beanstalk fame) ill-fated bovine BFF, is played by a real cow — as in, the four-legged kind that moos.

Stage: Groteluesc­hen again — wearing a cowbell, so that you can tell.

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 ??  ?? On the boards in NYC, above; Holly“Woods” with Johnny Depp, r.
On the boards in NYC, above; Holly“Woods” with Johnny Depp, r.

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