New York Daily News

Whatever the merits of Bill Bratton’s plan, the mayor and the Council should give him what he needs.


After the end of the stop-question-frisk wars, the anger over Eric Garner’s death, the sometimes violent anti-cop protests and the back-turning after the assassinat­ions of Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu, Bill Bratton says the NYPD is in “a very good place at this time.”

It was a supremely upbeat and optimistic police commission­er who appeared Wednesday before the Daily News Editorial Board with a preliminar­y unveiling of his “plan of action” for America’s largest police force.

With crime near record lows despite upticks in murder and shootings, Bratton envisions a New York that is still safer while being patrolled by a larger force that makes fewer arrests, issues fewer summonses and stops fewer people while still adhering to broken-windows policing. Holy magic, Batman! Bratton’s strategy is based in part on the assumption that New Yorkers as a group have been acculturat­ed over the past 20 years to engaging in less crime and disorder, thus allowing for a lighter hand in contacts between cops and citizens.

Invoking a term born after the fall of the Soviet Union allowed for cuts in Pentagon spending, the commission­er said the city’s more law-abiding nature would produce “a peace dividend” of reduced friction between cops and community.

Still, he made clear that civilizati­on as the city has come to know it could easily slip away. The answer, he said, would be a greater focus on targeted enforcemen­t, often aided by a marked increase in the NYPD’s technologi­cal capabiliti­es.

Most stunningly, Bratton predicted that the NYPD would have as many as 1 million fewer law enforcemen­t contacts with people this year than it did just a few years ago. He attributed the decline primarily to reducing stops from almost 700,000 to roughly 30,000 and markedly cutting marijuana arrests and summonses.

To hold the line, Bratton said he would lead the NYPD to targeting, for example, the 4,000 to 6,000 people who are predominan­tly responsibl­e for crime.

He also said that he wants to equip the patrol force with the computer capability to monitor 311 — not 911 — calls in their individual sectors, so that the cops can respond to disorder complaints that come into the city’s general help line.

A new corps of specially designated cops will keep fellow smartphone- and tablet-equipped officers up to speed on everything in their sectors. Think the old beat cop plugged into big data.

Altogether, Bratton describes leading the NYPD into the most extensive and advanced technologi­cal and philosophi­cal transforma­tion of any American police force. To succeed, he says that he will need more cops.

The number 1,000 — a figure that would cost more than $70 million annually — has been floated. Bratton would only say that he expects Mayor de Blasio and the City Council to come through — despite crank opposition to hiring any more police.

“Will I get a lot of what I want? Probably,” Bratton said.

Whatever the merits of his plan prove to be, Bratton’s brief for more cops who target fewer New Yorkers in a cutting-edge, successful force is politicall­y pitch-perfect. De Blasio and the Council should give him what he needs.

Let’s get ’em, Robin!

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