New York Daily News

Garner vid guy is free on bail


THE MAN who videotaped Eric Garner’s chokehold death was released from jail — his bail raised via a rare online fund-raiser — Friday after prosecutor­s removed their initial objection to the unconventi­onal philanthro­py.

Ramsey Orta, 23, of Staten Island, spent the past two months on Rikers Island on just under $100,000 bail after getting busted in February on charges he sold drugs to undercover cops.

A campaign on gathered steam in recent days, raising $47,500 from 1,865 donors as of Friday afternoon — well over the approximat­ely $12,000 needed to secure a bond. But there was one more hurdle. At his arraignmen­t, prosecutor­s asked for a hearing on the source of any bail, a common practice in drug cases to ensure the release is not the fruit of ill-gotten gains.

And when the bond was secured, the district attorney’s office raised objections Thursday and a hearing was scheduled for Monday. After an outcry on social media, it was pushed up to Friday afternoon.

By then, prosecutor­s did an about-face.

“Upon review of materials provided by the bail bondsman . . . it appears it’s in compliance,” assistant district attorney Adam Silberligh­t said, adding that their initial resistance was based on how the online fund-raiser squared with the statute.

A law enforcemen­t source said GETTY it took a while to review the about 300 pages that listed all the donors, most of whom chipped in about $10 each.

A judge then signed off on the bond.

“We’re glad the district attorney’s office realized this was the right thing to do,” said Orta’s lawyer, Ken Perry, who earlier accused prosecutor­s of “playing games.”

Perry said Orta was “touched” bythe “outpouring of sympathy and support by people who don’t know him from a hole in the wall.”

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