New York Daily News

Lots of big shots got off the hook

- Shayna Jacobs and Rich Schapiro

MOVIE MOGUL Harvey Weinstein joined a cast of characters accused by women of sexual abuse, but cleared by Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance Jr (inset).

Vance has already taken heat for letting a number of big shots walk, including French pol Dominique Strauss-Kahn, TV anchor Greg Kelly and civil rights lawyer Sanford Rubenstein. “Unfortunat­ely, this is sending out a really bad signal to women who’ve been sexually assaulted or inappropri­ately touched that the DA’s office won’t support them or prosecute the individual who did it, especially in cases where the alleged perpetrato­r is a high-profile or wealthy individual,” said civil rights lawyer Douglas Wigdor.

Charges against Strauss-Kahn, who was accused of sexually assaulting a hotel maid in 2011, were dropped after holes in the victim’s account were exposed.

Kelly, the host of Fox 5’s “Good Day New York” and son of then-Police Commission­er Raymond Kelly, avoided charges after he was accused of raping a paralegal in 2011.

Prosecutor­s declined to charge Rubenstein in January after a top official at the Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network claimed he raped her. Some observers say the cases may not have warranted criminal charges.

“I don’t think the DA’s office is rigging it to not indict because of who it is,” said defense lawyer and ex-Manhattan prosecutor Mark Bederow, referring to highprofil­e investigat­ions.

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