New York Daily News

GOPers come out swinging


THE GOP unleashed its attack dogs even before Hillary Clinton officially announced her presidenti­al candidacy Sunday.

“Hillary Clinton is quite frankly someone that the American people can’t trust,” Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” pointing to polls that show Clinton struggling against some Republican­s in battlegrou­nd states despite “100% name ID.”

Republican­s portrayed her experience as secretary of state as a liability, not an asset.

“Precisely what some will say is her strength is actually her weakness,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), who announced his candidacy last week, said on “Face the Nation.”

He charged that she failed when “her 3 a.m. moment came” in the attack on the American Embassy in Benghazi, Libya.

He also hit her over donations to her family’s foundation from countries whose track records belie her values.

“It’s going to be hard for her to say she’s for women’s rights when she’s accepting money from the sort of Stone Age sort of regimes that really abuse the rights of women,” Paul (above, l.) said.

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (above, r.), a potential GOP hopeful, called her, in an email to his supporters, a “perpetual candidate” who “represents all of the failed policies that Washington has been churning out for too long.”

One possible rival, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, acknowledg­ed her strength. “Hillary’s going to be a very formidable candidate,” he said on ABC’s “This Week.”

But he also insisted her service in the Obama administra­tion would be a liability.

“She’s going to have to explain how she’s not going to be Obama’s third term,” Huckabee said.

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