New York Daily News

Asian bash ‘game’ nut

Sicko sought in 4 attacks


THE MAN WANTED for attacking four Asian women in Manhattan is a suicidal celebrity-chasing blogger who believes he’s playing a game called “Bash Asian Women in the Nose,” police said Thursday.

Investigat­ors want to question Tyrelle Shaw, 25, for the attacks that began June 10, police said.

Each woman was struck in the face with a hard object wrapped in a plastic bag following an exchange with a stranger in Manhattan.

In his blog, titled “Mr. Talented” — which is full of pictures of himself posing with the likes of Russell Crowe, Ben Stiller, Tracy Morgan and television judge Judy Scheindlin — Shaw confessed to the attacks.

“History needed my reaction towards Asian women,” he wrote. He also complained that they snubbed his romantic overtures.

“In less than 350 days, I talked to nearly 1,500 Asian women and none of them took time out of their day to say hello,” he wrote in a post dated Wednesday.

“I became furious. I never agreed with violence, but I knew the only way I could overcome that sense of rejection — would start by assaulting the women that carelessly rejected me,” his blog read.

His hare-brained scheme to strike women in the nose was sparked by his delusional belief that all Asian women snort cocaine, he wrote.

“I assumed the ones that I am attracted to use cocaine, so I decided to play a game Bash Asian Women in the Nose so that they could stop sniffing cocaine and give me a chance,” he wrote. “At first I thought I could get away with 1 million noses,” he wrote.

But Shaw’s demeanor quickly soured and he began posting thoughts about suicide. “Six percent battery life left and I’m gone forever,” he wrote on his Facebook page on Tuesday.

He remained at large Thursday.

 ??  ?? Cops are searching for Tyrelle Shaw (l., and with Ben Stiller in blog photo) in attacks on Asian women.
Cops are searching for Tyrelle Shaw (l., and with Ben Stiller in blog photo) in attacks on Asian women.
 ??  ??

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