New York Daily News

Iran nuke deal said to be near

- BY ADAM EDELMAN With News Wire Services

THEY APPEAR to have a deal.

After years of tough negotiatio­ns, diplomats for Iran, the U.S. and several other Western countries were on the verge of a milestone agreement to curb Tehran’s nuclear program.

Under the deal, expected to be announced by Monday morning, the U.S. would lift most economic sanctions on Iran in return for the country agreeing to curb its nuclear program.

A few details on the final provisiona­l deal, however, were still being worked out Sunday, negotiator­s told The Associated Press, and the agreement will still need to be reviewed and approved by President Obama and the leaders of Iran and the other six world powers participat­ing in the talks.

A senior U.S. official expressed caution at reports over an agreement, saying “major issues remain to be resolved,” but others were more optimistic.

Secretary of State Kerry (photo) twice said he’s “hopeful” after “a very good meeting” late Saturday with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif.

But several U.S. lawmakers remained critical.

“Likely, Iran will cheat by inches,” Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “They will just cheat, cheat, cheat. And over time . . . they end up with a nuclear


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