New York Daily News




JUNE 21-JULY 22 You’d do well to trust what your intuition is telling you now. As many planets influence how you “feel” about your life, you have a good chance to follow your instincts and decide what goals you want to achieve. Carefully consider pending decisions, especially those that can change your life.


JULY 23-AUG. 22 You have to find time to relax, or else you’ll find yourself too stressed out to enjoy the good thats heading your way. Love, money and work are all on your radar now, and although this is a positive time, it doesn’t come without challenges. Keep life in perspectiv­e and don’t lose sight of your goals.


AUG. 23-SEPT. 22 With all the activity in the star chart this week, stay flexible; many things can change in your life over this time. You may be busier than ever, especially socializin­g and networking; but don’t neglect your responsibi­lities. Strive to keep your life in balance.


SEPT. 23-OCT. 22 Work takes up all your time now, so stick to it until it’s completed. But be careful you don’t neglect family or loved ones, as they too will demand your attention now. It’s likely that not everything will come through as you expect, or hope, so be patient and allow others to get themselves organized.


OCT. 23-NOV. 21 Connecting with friends and colleagues is the key to success now. There’s a lot of astral activity this week, and you need to be strategic regarding who you see and what you do; consider the when, how and where. And since everything may not occur as you’d like, be open to the idea of quickly changing plans.


NOV. 22-DEC. 21 With many of the planets interactin­g this week, think about what you want to do next. If you feel surrounded by uncertaint­ies, it probably means changes are coming your way. But things don’t always happen on their own; you have to figure out what your goals are and how you want to achieve them.


DEC. 22-JAN. 19 It’s all about love and family this week. Be careful during a discussion about logistics; listen and learn as much as you can about how loved ones feel. Once you know more, you can decide the best way to proceed. What you do next may be confrontin­g, but also empowering, so don’t rush into anything.


JAN. 20-FEB. 18 This week, several things may fall into place to reveal what’s coming next. While trying to keep everything under control, don’t forget your health, and pay special attention to where you focus your energy. Be careful not to get caught up in other people’s drama, since it can wind up just wasting your time.


FEB. 19-MARCH 20 This week, your attention will be divided between work and love, and in order to handle both you’ll need to be well organized. Plenty of planetary activity is responsibl­e for several areas of your life. Business connection­s can turn into an advantageo­us opportunit­y. A talk with a loved one can reveal unexpected options.


MARCH 21-APRIL 19 If you make the effort to go out and socialize, either on a personal or business level, the people you mix and mingle with can open doors for you. What happens now may be uncertain, but with planning going on behind the scenes, it can lead to a positive outcome.


APRIL 20-MAY 20 When it comes to making life-changing decisions, don’t pay any mind to what others say. Nobody knows what’s best for you, no matter what they think. Listen to your heart, trust your instincts and the knowledge you’ve gained through the years and you’ll make the right choices.


MAY 21-JUNE 20 Where it comes to money, not everything is as it seems. Be honest and upfront with a friend or partner. If they find that you’re hiding something, they’ll find it difficult to trust you again. Try to be diplomatic if you don’t know what you should or shouldn’t divulge. But if you don’t have the answers, don’t be afraid to say so.

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