New York Daily News

Find new leadership for NYCHA


Manhattan: I do not live in a NYCHA developmen­t. I don’t have any family or friends living in NYCHA housing. I’m just a New York City resident who is sickened with what I hear about the persistent NYCHA mold problem. After reading Tuesday’s paper and seeing Chairwoman Shola Olatoye on NY1, I’m sorry to say that she must be immediatel­y replaced.

Contractor­s say they came to apartments to work and no one answered. I suspect that many workers never even showed up. I can’t imagine residents did not answer their doors given that mold is literally a matter of life and death for children and the disabled.

But let’s just say that it’s true that thousands of residents did not answer their doors when work crews came. Then the profession­al thing NYCHA’s leader should have done is to publicly demand that the residents let NYCHA staff in.

Given the public health threat, an order should also have been drafted giving NYCHA the legal authority to enter premises if a tenant was not home. The chairwoman didn’t do this, either, and for that she should be fired. This mold problem needs emergency action. No excuses. Joseph William Dluzak

Not hers to have

Fairfield, N.J.: It is sad that Ruth Villalta is so ill (“A deadly rule,” June 15). However, she is here illegally. She should be charged with grand larceny. The $72,000-plus per year spent on her should and could be going to a U.S. soldier’s medical care or a senior citizen who can’t afford her prescripti­ons. Any way you look at it, she is stealing medical care. It’s time for us to get tough on people who refuse to follow the rules. Beth Evans

Boozers, losers

Ridgefield, Conn.: Drunken drivers are irresponsi­ble and dangerous individual­s who don’t care about the rest of us. Every one of them should serve time. Those who kill their innocent victims are murderers and that is what they should be treated as.

George Corday

Bad Bramhall

Vista, Calif.: Re Bramhall’s cartoon with the NRA flag flying over the U.S. Capitol (July 13): You have your history wrong. The NRA was founded by three Northern abolitioni­sts who were Union officers. They sent guns south to freed blacks. They are not a racist organizati­on. I guess facts don’t matter when you have a political ax to grind. Rob Morse

Red flag

Glendale: I loved the parade! These women are champions of the world. But do you think the mayor would have an American flag on his lapel? At least an apple? Debbie McBride

The joy of Mets

Elmont, L.I.: Such joy! Such excitement! Such drama! We witnessed all this at a Mets game at Citi Field. Steven Matz came to town to make his debut in the major leagues before a crowd of thousands. Not only did he pitch a brilliant game, but he was able to hit besides. Whew! His family was jumping for joy. Lately, it has been very difficult to read the newspapers because of all the sad, brutal and discouragi­ng news, so to watch this happy, joyful baseball was really wonderful. And to relive it again in the Daily News the following day — that was priceless! Bonnie Liotti

The agony of injury

Scarsdale, N.Y.: Very good article, Bill Madden (“This hurts,” July 12). What is the common denominato­r in the majority of these injuries on the Mets? The trainers. Time to get rid of this entire group of inept people. Year after year it’s the same thing. Pulled hamstrings and groins. Torn this and torn that. Instead of stretching, maybe they should try yoga. Brian Lebenson

No thank you

Point Pleasant Beach, N.J.: Let me see if I get this straight. Matt Harvey gets blasted by the Daily News for simply displaying proper etiquette by thanking Donald Trump for a great day on his new golf course? That’s ridiculous! My political beliefs don’t come close to aligning with Donald Trump’s, but please, enough is enough with this need for us all to be politicall­y correct.

John Longfield

No, no, no

Greenburgh, N.Y.: Donald Trump’s surge in the Republican race for President highlights the need to change the election ballot to provide voters with the option to vote for “none of the above.” The Donald offers Republican­s who don’t like the list of contenders running for President the chance to select a protest candidate. None of the above would be a better choice for President than a candidate who filed for bankruptcy four times. Paul Feiner

Fishy food

Liverpool, N.Y.: Americans are getting more and more of their food from overseas, but we are not inspecting nearly enough of it. Eighty percent of the shrimp and other seafood we get is now obtained from foreign sources, along with two-thirds of all the fruits and vegetables Americans eat every day. Yet we inspect less than 2% of our food imports. We need more inspectors to keep our food supply safe. Imported food may come from countries with lower production standards and may have been treated with drugs that are not approved for use in the United States. Without more inspectors, this food will flow freely into the United States, and on to American dinner tables.

William Sokolowski

One-way ticket out

Washington: An open letter to Mayor de Blasio: I just received a late violation notice in the mail for a parking ticket I never received. It seems to have stemmed from a visit I made to New York City to deal with a family emergency. I pulled my car over briefly to accept an urgent phone call so as not to violate the law prohibitin­g cell phone use while driving. An NYPD officer approached me and instructed me to move immediatel­y. I apologized to the officer (who was extremely rude) and moved my vehicle. Apparently, the officer decided to write a summons, unbeknown to me. Now, I respectful­ly request this ticket be dismissed without charges against me. And to think I considered moving back to New York and becoming a taxpaying citizen — this reminds me of why I should not and why I left!

Gertrude M. Branch

Fair’s fair

Staten Island: Gov. Cuomo’s wage board is considerin­g a minimum-wage increase for fast-food workers, who seek $15 per hour. My organizati­on strongly endorses the principle that people who work hard to earn a living should be paid a wage sufficient for them to provide for their families — and that includes the direct-support profession­als who help people who have developmen­tal disabiliti­es manage their health care, stay safe and get out into the community. Government payments to providers such as ours don’t support a sufficient wage. The same can be said for other human services workers. Increasing their pay would come at a cost to New York State. But if hardworkin­g food service workers deserve special attention — and they do — then hardworkin­g support profession­als deserve at least the same salary. Laura Kennedy, president


Stamp out microstamp­ing

Long Beach, L.I.: The bullying of gun owners continues in New York. The NY SAFE Act was not enough. Now microstamp­ing on bullets is due for a vote. Imagine if Albany passed a law that said all future sales of printing presses had to come from one manufactur­er. Would you sit still for that? Imagine if Albany passed a law that said all future automobile­s had to be the Google driverless car — what would you do? We do not oppose the introducti­on of new, nonintrusi­ve technology that has proven to be an effective aid to law enforcemen­t in the investigat­ion and prosecutio­n of criminals. The technology proposed in this bill does not meet that standard. Julien Antkies

The truth about Cosby

Bronx: Enough already about Bill Cosby! If you want the truth and the whole truth, put him on the Maury Povich or Steve Wilkos show. They will get the entire story using a lie detector test! It works every time.

Cindi C. Williams

Bless you

Lyndhurst, N.J.: Ever run out of tissues to wipe your eyes, sneeze and blow your nose? I came up with a way to never run out of tissues. When the box is empty, cut out the top. Then, insert toilet paper. I use Scott, by the way. Insert the paper on one side for easy tearing and use the back for your pens and pencils in a cup. It really works. I never run out of tissues as I always keep a supply of Scott toilet paper on hand. The box looks nice on my desk, plus it’s a great conversati­on piece.

Mary Kutz

 ?? Todd Maisel ??
Todd Maisel

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