New York Daily News





When you have the influence of Mars and Mercury interactin­g in your sign, you can think on your feet and come up with solutions to problems. But be careful not to be too opinionate­d. If a situation concerns work, you still have to let others have their say. In your personal life, try not to overthink a situation.


JULY 23-AUG. 22

There’s a lot of activity in the star chart this week, meaning change can be on the horizon. Change can be unsettling, but you can also experience excitement when you leave your comfort zone. Try to embrace any uncertaint­y you face. When things seem to be going wrong, they may actually be going right.


AUG. 23-SEPT. 22

There’s more to love than passion and romance; friendship is the glue that keeps a relationsh­ip going. And a strong intellectu­al connection is also crucial. If you can’t have widerangin­g discussion­s, then love won’t last. The energy from Mercury and Mars can let you know if someone is right for you, or not.


SEPT. 23-OCT. 22 Your star chart shows much action this week, especially with work and business. To even consider new options, you’ll need to get organized, but with a planetary connection between Mercury and Mars, you probably won’t have much time to do so. Be prepared to think fast and trust your instincts.


OCT. 23-NOV. 21 The people you meet now can have an influence on your career. And in one month, when Mars moves to this area of your life, you’ll be run ragged trying to keep up with everything. Now’s the time to get things in order, after which you’ll be in a good place to welcome change.


NOV. 22-DEC. 21 If, while on the road to success, one of your colleagues or traveling companions seems to have the golden touch, try to imitate them, especially if they can help with financial knowledge. You don’t have to get involved in their business, just learn how they manage to win so often.


DEC. 22-JAN. 19

With Mercury and Mars connecting in your love zone, your mind is sharp now and you will enjoy intellectu­al banter with someone you care about. But be careful; not everyone wants to get involved in a serious debate, so keep it friendly. You can strengthen the partnershi­p by revealing more of yourself.


JAN. 20-FEB. 18 When happens in life can be cyclical and often cannot be explained. Sometimes, when things look the bleakest, everything can turn rosy in the blink of an eye. Don’t get despondent at work. Stay optimistic and, when you least expect it, you can find that your career takes a turn for the better.


FEB. 19-MARCH 20 Love moments can take your attention, and although you’re an intuitive and romantic sign, you are also a highly analytical person. With an interactio­n between Mercury and Mars, don’t overthink a situation; instead, enjoy the connection. When your heartstrin­gs start to play, it’s worth listening to the tune.



There can be many reasons why you’re not getting enough sleep, including having to make too many choices. Mars, your ruler, interacts with Mercury, which can further increase mental activity. You can’t change things overnight, but you can lay the foundation for future action, which will relieve a lot of stress.


APRIL 20-MAY 20 Your creativity is at an all-time high now, so don’t sit back thinking that someone else will take the lead. It’s up to you to stand up for yourself and be forthright with your opinions. It’s a positive time to show others, either coworkers or family members, just how brilliant you really are.


MAY 21-JUNE 20 Being ambitious about getting ahead is admirable. But while climbing the ladder of success, even an easy going Gemini can step on a toe or two, but be careful; they may belong to someone whose help you’ll need in the future. It pays to be nice. The contacts you make today can be invaluable tomorrow.

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