New York Daily News

A grim Grimm situation: Jail

For Staten Island pol in tax rap

- BY JOHN MARZULLI and DAN FRIEDMAN dfriedman@nydailynew­

DISGRACED former Rep. Michael Grimm got eight months in prison and a dressing-down Friday from a Brooklyn judge short on sympathy for the tough-guy pol’s plea to evade jail.

“Your moral compass, Mr. Grimm, needs some reorientat­ion,” Brooklyn Federal Judge Pamela Chen said in sentencing the Staten Island Republican.

Grimm, 45, pleaded guilty in December to tax evasion for hiding around $1 million in receipts from Healthalic­ious, a Manhattan restaurant he owned. He also admitted he lied under oath in 2013 in a separate civil case.

Grimm, looking well-tanned, didn’t help himself with an emotional courtroom speech that seemed to irk Chen.

“My entire life, I have scraped and I have clawed and I have killed myself to better myself,” said Grimm, whose lawyers highlighte­d his combat experience in the Marines during the Gulf War.

“A Marine is taught not to fail,” he said. “I was ashamed to fail.”

He suggested that he was singled out for a common practice in the business.

“The harsh reality is that if you own a restaurant in Manhattan and you have delivery boys, you have to pay off the books or you close,” Grimm said.

He noted he resigned from Congress and said: “I made a bad decision that I will regret for the rest of my life.”

Chen called his remorse belated and inadequate.

“What the defendant and his partners did was steal from the government and the public,” she said.

Grimm’s loss of his job and pension “are not punishment­s,” Chen said. “They are collateral consequenc­es of his crimes.”

The judge noted Grimm’s experience as an FBI agent investigat­ing white-collar crime meant “he of all people should have known better.”

Grimm who reports earning $10,000 a month since his resignatio­n as consultant for startup firms, is set to turn himself in after Labor Day.

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