New York Daily News




JUNE 21-JULY 22 You could help someone with a complex problem this weekend, but don’t try to take over completely. Mars’ energy could tempt you to speak before thinking, and a connection between Mercury and Uranus can do the same thing – which isn’t a good idea. Offer advice, but let people make their own decisions.


JULY 23-AUG. 22 This is a good weekend to work on your plans for the future. But don’t spend all of your time on this, Leo; you want to live in the present too. There’s always more you can do, but when you understand that you need balance, you’ll attend to your responsibi­lities and still be able to spend time with loved ones.


AUG. 23-SEPT. 22 When a problem needs to be solved, your first instinct, Virgo, is to start communicat­ing. But remember, talking is only part of it; be mindful to listen carefully too, particular­ly when conversing with friends about money. If things don’t feel right, trust your intuition.


SEPT. 23-OCT. 22 It may be the weekend, but work is probably on your mind. However, with a square between Mercury and Uranus, love may also compete for your attention and this could cause a conflict between your office and home. You can’t do everything, but with both love and work as main priorities, you’ll need to try.


OCT. 23-NOV. 21 A challengin­g square between Uranus and Mercury can lead to something unexpected in your life, possibly at work, that can cause you to rearrangin­g your schedule. Be flexible and avoid overreacti­ng. This astral aspect can cause uncertaint­y and tension, so take things in stride and see what happens next.


NOV. 22-DEC. 21 This weekend, Mercury and Uranus interact in a somewhat confrontin­g square, so for you it’s all about money. When it also concerns love, avoid your usual straightfo­rwardness and try to be more tactful. But if it’s business, then be as candid as you like; it may be just what’s needed to push a project through.


DEC. 22-JAN. 19 Don’t spend all your time and energy on money and business issues this weekend; make time for romance. A square between Mercury and Uranus indicates something in your domestic area will also likely need your attention. Don’t be pressured into acting on something until you’ve sorted it all out.


JAN. 20-FEB. 18 There are lots of planetary placements in your solar sixth house, the area governing productivi­ty. Communicat­ion planet Mercury, in this area, will square off with your ruler Uranus, indicating the need to think before you speak. If in doubt, ask questions so you can get a better understand­ing of the other person.


FEB. 19-MARCH 20 When discussing or negotiatin­g a money matter, show confidence; if you don’t, it can weaken your position. Voice your opinion; it shows you know your business. However, if a situation concerns a personal relationsh­ip, with Mercury and Uranus squaring off, try to be more sensitive when you express your viewpoint.


MARCH 21-APRIL 19 Uranus in your sign, interactin­g in a challengin­g astral square with Mercury, influences how you communicat­e with someone about domestic matters; it can also prompt a meaningful discussion. And when dealing with what could be a sensitive situation, it pays to plan how best to approach it.


APRIL 20-MAY 20 Your ruler, Venus, now in your solar fifth house, where love affairs can start, makes this an excellent weekend to socialize. But be careful, as a planetary interactio­n between Mercury and Uranus can cause tension. You don’t want to blow up at people who had nothing to do with the cause of your frustratio­n.


MAY 21-JUNE 20 Focus on the great things happening in your life now, not on what happened yesterday. If a financial problem arises, one you thought you had resolved, deal with it again and move on. But be diplomatic, as the square between Mercury, your ruler, and Uranus, can lead to you saying something you could regret.

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