New York Daily News

He’s Roger Bad-ell, what’s wrong in Boston & that’s debatable ....


The more you read on DeflateGat­e, especially the testimony at Tom Brady’s appeal, the more you believe that Roger Goodell had his mind made up on this from the very beginning.

The more you see how this plays out with the league, the more convinced you have to be that Goodell is playing to an audience of all his owner-bosses except one, and that means Robert Kraft. Only that is no way to govern. The Patriots may very well have done what Goodell clearly thinks they did with those footballs.

Only he’s never going to know that for sure and we’re never going to know that for sure.

Goodell hasn’t just decided that Brady IS guilty, he wants him to look guilty, in the eyes of the public and his other owners.

It’s why he acted as if Brady getting rid of his cell phone made SpyGate look like some sort of parking ticket in comparison, and got an awful lot of people to go along with him.

This isn’t about justice anymore, if it was ever really about justice, or due process.

This continues to be about facesaving, only there is no saving face on this.

You know who’s making the most sense here? It is a smart judge named Richard

Berman, who’s had this stupid case end up in his lap, and keeps telling both sides to settle the thing out of court and not waste his time.

You know how Roger Goodell, once called “The Enforcer” on the cover of Time magazine, could really look tough here?

By admitting he has mishandled DeflateGat­e from the start, by not worrying any longer about saving face, just doing the right thing for his league, which takes a much worse beating these days than those footballs ever did at the AFC Championsh­ip Game.

Only in the NFL could you tell the commission­er he’s the one who needs to plea bargain with a case on which he acted as prosecutor, judge, jury and … appeals court judge! Whether the Red Sox won a World Series two years ago or not, their general manager still has an awful lot of explaining to do, right? Now the Red Sox lose Larry Lucchino, one of the smartest baseball guys in history, one who did as much as anyone to change history at Fenway Park.

David Ortiz and Alex Rodriguez don’t sound as if they’re nearly as close as they used to be. As you watched the Republican debate the other night, you had to wonder how much money will eventually be burned because guys like Christie and Paul and Huckabee and Carson are delusional enough to think they’re going to be President.

By the way, for a second there, I thought Christie had mistaken Rand Paul for one of his constituen­ts asking him a question he didn’t like.

Tell the truth: Would you rather be tortured by waterboard­ing or political polling?

Or would it even be more brutal to be focus-grouped to death?

Well, it’s clear already that nobody’s ever going to have to wonder whether or not Brandon Marshall’s in town.

Jon Stewart’s last “Daily Show” was merely pitch perfect, from start to finish. If there is one wish for Yankee fans above all others these days, it is that Dellin Betances doesn’t somehow pitch himself out before October.

Incidental­ly, how long is it before we start using fan votes to knock political candidates off the stage, like they do with “Dancing With the Stars”?

Sometimes you get the idea that our guy Mr. Trump is running for President of Twitter.

For the last time, ask yourself this question: Who’s doing more damage now to the NFL, the commission­er or the quarterbac­k of the New England Patriots?

“Lupica” can be heard Monday through Friday at 1 p.m. and Sunday at 9 a.m. on ESPN 98.7.

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