New York Daily News

When rhetoric becomes reality


Manhattan: The shooting at the Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado, killing three people (including a police officer) and wounding nine others, is a tragedy. Executives of Planned Parenthood blamed “hateful language” for fueling the tragic event. City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito said, “The tone of the debate had created an environmen­t conducive to such tragedies. The rhetoric that has been surroundin­g this issue is increasing this kind of reaction, and it’s really deplorable. Anyone complicit in that language, in that dialogue, in that rhetoric needs to stop.”

The hypocrisy of Mark-Viverito is mind-numbing. She and other politician­s were the architects in creating this same type of venomous environmen­t a year ago when they spewed incendiary anti-police rhetoric preceding the deaths of Police Officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos. To echo the words of Planned Parenthood Executive Vice President Dawn Laguens, “It is offensive and outrageous that some politician­s are now claiming this tragedy has nothing to do with the toxic environmen­t they helped create. One of the lessons of this awful tragedy is that words matter, and hateful rhetoric fuels violence.”

Louis Turco, president, NYPD Lieutenant­s Benevolent Associatio­n

Talk has consequenc­es

Chester, N.J.: It is bizarre to watch politician­s and the public alike declare how awful the other side is when they condemn entire groups for violence. Carly Fiorina, after her demonstrab­ly false statement that videos showed fetuses being dismembere­d to sell parts (“I’ve seen the video, you should watch it”), said that liberals linking the shooting to antiaborti­on rhetoric were just using “left-wing tactics.” OK, then how about the right-wing tactics of registerin­g all Muslims and closing mosques, since there is a small group that is radicalize­d? If inflammato­ry rhetoric doesn’t feed those who are prone to violence, as Fiorina claims, wouldn’t that apply to Muslims, too? It seems the broad brush only offends when you are being painted with it. How about toning down the rhetoric? I guess lies and hate are what gets out the base, so they will continue.

David J. Melvin

Put a target on guns

Stewart Manor, L.I.: Every day until Election Day, The Daily News should print the list of the pro-NRA elected officials in our government. Voters should be aware of those who are bought off by the NRA and refuse to do what citizens want! Patricia Judge

Let them in . . .

Bronx: I believe that we should let the refugees in. This country was founded on freedom from persecutio­n. It would be wrong of us to deny sanctuary to these refugees, many of whom are women and children. Of course, due to recent events, we have to remain alert, but events like the one in Paris happen in Syria constantly. Innocent people are being killed every day. Children are being forced to give up their childhoods. That is what the refugees are trying to escape. Should we refuse to protect the majority because of the actions of the minority? We cannot glorify America as a country where freedom reigns yet decline entry to the refugees because we assume that they are “terrorists” due to their religion and where they come from. For years, people have been coming to America in search of better opportunit­ies, better jobs and a better life; this is no different. Melissa Monts

. . . at our peril

Brooklyn: In regards to Gov. Cuomo’s asinine statement that “If we deny Syrian immigrants entry into New York State, we might as well take down the Statue of Liberty”: I am sure we won’t have to bother. They’ll most likely do it for us. Scott M. Smilo

Unsung heroes of WWII

Glen Oaks: As a member of the U.S. Naval Armed Guard in 1944-45, I watched with pride the Veterans Day Parade. It brought back many sad memories. We sailed on rickety Liberty ships often falling apart at sea with a gunnery crew of 10 or 15 men protecting convoys. We sunk many enemy ships, blew up their torpedoes, etc. I was sad to notice that no mention was made of the Merchant Marines who stood by us in all conflicts and never receive the attention they deserve. God bless the Merchant Marines and the Armed Guard.

James V. Carlucci

Prevailing over time

Manhattan: Greg Smith’s article was right on target (“A slimeball’s labor of hate,” Nov. 29). In 1961, I secretly arranged a meeting of Rep. Adam Clayton Powell Jr., city Central Labor Council President Harry Van Arsdale Jr. and Mayor Robert Wagner to discuss how blacks could enter the constructi­on trades. Van Arsdale then opened the doors here and across the country. Over 60 years later, almost half of all constructi­on trades have the benefit of minority tradesmen. Let us all work together to maintain prevailing wages as required by law and stop creating racial hatred by supporting nonunion workers and undocument­ed illegal aliens. The reason for prevailing wage laws is to maintain the geographic­al standard of living. Stanley Smith, co-founder Prevailing Wage Council of the

City of New York

Nothing for seniors

Brooklyn: I read with disgust your article about a large pay boost for judges and pols, in addition to cost-of-living adjustment­s. How great for them. And what about the senior citizens on Social Security? What are they getting? Screwed, as usual! Natalie Meyer


Bayside: No increase for seniors — yet our property taxes go up every year! No justice!

Diane Ranieri

Horse hooey

Brooklyn: Wealthy Voicer Steve Nislick deigns to show willingnes­s to discuss a “carriage horse compromise” and denies any financial interest in the issue. Apart from the fact that nobody elected Nislick to sit at any negotiatin­g table, he should be reminded that his shady organizati­on NYCLASS was recently fined $26,000 by the Campaign Finance Board for illegal campaign contributi­ons. He should also recall that it was he who financed the developmen­t of the failed antique replica electric car to the tune of $450,000 to replace the horse carriages, then offered the carriage owners the “wonderful opportunit­y” to dump the horses and carriages they owned and put themselves in debt to his organizati­on to purchase the e-cars (or that he wanted to punch a News photograph­er at said car’s unveiling!). To suggest he has not been personally financiall­y involved with this issue from the get-go is very unconvinci­ng. Ruth Moore

Watching the neighbors

Elmhurst: It would be wise to re-institute the Civil Defense System. Training should be conducted by local police. Observatio­n on the neighborho­od level will quickly detect irregulari­ties, like foreign or out-of-state license plates or vehicles parked for a long time. People like to know their neighbors. If you cannot find out who your neighbor is, it is reason to look harder to find out. It would be very smart for neighborho­od wardens to be continuall­y observing in order to notify the authoritie­s, who will decide what warrants action and what that action should be. James League

An actual emergency

Brooklyn: I heard three alerts Tuesday on my television for a national security emergency. They were “testing” the system. On 9/11, I don’t remember receiving any of these alerts. I would think that would be the day to receive them. I think our country is preparing for the “real deal” informing citizens of some pending disaster, but it’s so scary. I had to explain it to my granddaugh­ters when the alert hit three times. Where was the Conelrad system on 9/11? Nowhere. So, now they’re testing it — just in case. Very scary. Rita Nanes

Comrade Bill

Manhattan: I was born in the former Czechoslov­akia, and immigrated to this country some 35 years ago because I wanted to flee from communism. Now I am flabbergas­ted to see the greatest city in the world governed by Bill de Blasio, who worked for the Sandinista­s and honeymoone­d in Cuba. De Blasio is a Communist, he hates the police and he should be impeached. Willy Machan

A life well-lived

Bronx: Re “Times Sq. hero saves tot from tracks” (Nov. 3): Herman McGarrah, your heroics in saving baby Tabrina Ferrell was truly a godsend! No matter what your past was, your life truly hasn’t been in vain! You are very, very blessed, and I thank you for sharing that blessing with baby Tabrina. Vanessa Robinson

Off guard

Manchester, N.J.: President Obama certainly deserves a medal for the way he handles ISIS terrorists. We should give him the medal of dishonor. Jerry Dawson

 ?? Daniel Owen/The Gazette via AP ??
Daniel Owen/The Gazette via AP

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