New York Daily News

The gun war: Here we go again


Dumont, N.J.: Another day, another senseless mass killing. Next come the predictabl­e but ridiculous cries from lefties about the evils of guns and the need for new gun legislatio­n. I’d like for the loons to answer these questions: Are there laws in this country forbidding the sale and use of heroin? Yet aren’t millions of crazy, misguided people in this country still using and selling tons of heroin? People have screamed at the top of their lungs for years now that if we only had stricter gun laws, then all the crazies won’t have them. Nonsense. But logic and common sense have never gotten in their way before, so I guess, don’t let it start now. John Scott

Bronx: Do we need to fear ISIS and Al Qaeda, or anyone but ourselves? We are destroying our country ourselves. We need no outsiders to do it for us. Jonathan Kleid

Calhoun, Calif.: Based on your assertion that “God isn’t fixing this,” you have offended me and I will pray for you. Laura Saxon

Hate begets hate

Bronx: It’s hard to believe your paper would print something like Shaun King wrote on Nov. 30 (“How would the U.S. react if the Planned Parenthood shooter was not a white male?”): “When a white man terrorizes society by bringing down violent murder and mayhem on anybody in his presence, be it a school, a movie theater, a government building or a Planned Parenthood clinic, white men get a pass that I am pretty doggone sure nobody else in America gets.” The idea that a white killer like Robert Dear is going to “get a pass” is exactly the kind of hate-filled rhetoric that causes further violence in society. And it’s absurd on its face; surely Dear will be locked up until the day he dies, as he deserves to be. Matt Christophe­r


Manhattan: Voicer Steve Nislick of NYCLASS, saying he’s being “Shermanesq­ue,” denies any interest whatsoever in profiting off the demise of the carriage industry. Well, nobody asked him to be involved in the issue. As the polls show, the public is not clamoring for a carriage ban. There is no problem with the carriage horses that needs fixing, especially not by Nislick and NYCLASS, who have been exposed by veterinari­ans, equine experts and the Daily News as being completely wrong about horse welfare. If Nislick is not at all interested in the stables, why does he care about finding a “solution” to a manufactur­ed controvers­y? Is it because he believes in an extremist animal rights agenda, advocated by NYCLASS partner PETA? Christina Hansen

Bucking Nislick

Manhattan: My, how the carriage wheels turn. I was both angered and amused to read Voicer Steve Nislick’s letter. He states that his organizati­on, NYCLASS, prioritize­s “protection of carriage horses.” After several million dollars that NYCLASS spent, why have they not protected even one horse? Their money went to de Blasio’s campaign, campaign finance violation fines, highpriced lobbyists, PR firms, etc. Not one penny was spent on one horse. And what right does a lobbying group have to claim they know what is best for horses when the majority of their group knows nothing about horses? Kind of like entrusting a dentist to perform open-heart surgery. Ava Seavey

And the horse you rode in on

Manhattan: The push to ban carriage-horse industry has never been about the horses. It’s about money, radical animal rights, real estate and political payback. Mayor de Blasio would ban a 157-year-old industry based on a radical, ideologica­l meme, never having visited the stables or talked to the drivers. Shame on de Blasio for listening to these extremists. I was one of those who voted for him sadly. It’s not too late, Mr. Mayor. “Man up,” as Liam Neeson said, and see the stables for yourself. Sandi Bachom

Treat them right

Staten Island: I agree with Voicer Dianne O’Connor. The carriage horses need to be washed and brushed, have medical checkups and be shown love and affection. They need to look like the carriage horses of bygone days. They need warm stables and blankets. I do not think they should be strolling around New York as they presently look, because tourists could get a very wrong impression about how we think horses and all animals should be treated. Mary Innamorato

Masks and safety

Manhattan: Each religion is more undemocrat­ic than the next. No wonder the framers asked that we keep religion out of politics. But Muslims now entering America take the cake! Every time I pass a Muslim woman in the street with her face, except for her eyes, covered in a black scarf, I wonder, “Who is she afraid of?” She sure scares the hell out of me, because I know, if she attacked or stole from me, I wouldn’t be able to identify her. Eileen Aubi

Sick burn

Fair Lawn, N.J.: Despite all the controvers­y at this time of year, I have no problem with people wishing me a Merry Christmas. However, because I’m Jewish, I respond by just wishing them a “Happy Hanukkah.” Barry Rudd

King of shame

Manhattan: Every time anything happens regarding terrorism or national security, whether an actual attack or an arrest of a would-be terrorist, Rep. Peter King makes sure his mug is on every TV station. His mantra is always the same. This warmongeri­ng fearmonger­er points out perceived deficienci­es with the Democratic administra­tion’s war on terrorism. The implicatio­n is that we need to put our country deeper into the morass. Yet he never ever suggests any viable alternativ­e course of action. Now he has joined his fellow do-nothing Republican­s in Congress in voting down the mere discussion of the bill to prevent those on the terrorist watch list from buying guns. Words cannot describe the loathing I feel for him and others who have apparently been bought by the NRA. Steven Davies

Get it?

Buffalo: Once he is pardoned of his corruption conviction, disgraced former Assembly Speaker Shelly Silver would be a wonderful running mate for likely Democratic presidenti­al nominee Hillary Clinton. Democrats put the “vice” back into the vice president’s office! Richard H. Escobales, Jr.


Bronx: I remember that when I was a child, I once played hideand-seek with some friends and hid so well that nobody found me. It was no fun not to be found. Perhaps after so many years of getting away with his underhande­d schemes, Sheldon Silver, too, very secretly wanted to be discovered. Gerald Lebowitz

Clean this mess

Bayside: U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara is doing a good job finding Albany’s highway robbers, but he cannot do it alone. Gov. Cuomo and Attorney General Eric Schneiderm­an should be more active in investigat­ing legislator­s for misconduct on a regular basis to eradicate corruption immediatel­y, not 20 years after the fact. Most importantl­y, the system that allows the legislator­s to become corrupt must be changed. State government must be a full-time occupation, with capped campaign funds and no profession­al connection­s to their former employers or businesses during their tenure in Albany. Jacques Hakim

Doctrine of domination

Sparta, N.J.: Voicer James Smith speaks of the Christian use of the Doctrine of Discovery to conquer and enslave. And still today, by the U.S. government, to inflict indigenous genocide on American Indians. From 1954 to this year, the government has argued that under internatio­nal law, Christian nations can acquire lands occupied by heathens and infidels — and the Supreme Court has gone alone with this, notwithsta­nding our supposed separation of church and state doctrine. Ronald K. Samuel

Have a nice weekend

Oceanside, L.I.: To elaborate on what Voicer Mike Viehl stated, the Bible states one sign of the end times is when everything good will be considered evil and everything evil will be considered good. We have arrived. Joseph J. Rebando

Right to lie

Tuckerton, N.J.: It saddens me to read the Voice of the People page. For the past few weeks it has been brimming with hate-filled letters. Innuendo, half-truths and outright lies by those supposed “right to life” people cry out hypocrisy. To them it’s perfectly okay to kill the doctors, nurses and other workers in any clinic that performs abortions. So, one life is more important than the life of those who disagree with your beliefs? Rose S. Wilson

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