New York Daily News

Glenn Frey review a real turkey


Manhattan: Gersh Kuntzman must not be the smartest on the block to write that “The Eagles were a bad rock band” (“Band was more like the Turkeys,” Jan. 20). Last year, they sold out Madison Square Garden, and their records keep on selling. They bring joy to people. Kuntzman does not.

Ken Stemmer Hermosa Beach, Calif.: I am on Gersh’s side on this one. Sorry, the Eagles were not a great band. I once heard them called “America’s greatest band.” That makes me chuckle. I am a California­n and a baby boomer. I love music, but not the Eagles. Joe Walsh was the only person in the band with a rock ’n’ roll soul. Gloria Small Great Neck, L.I.: Gersh Kuntzman writes “no disrespect to Glenn Frey” and then proceeds to to disrespect his legacy. Kuntzman should wish he had an iota of talent in his pen comparable to that of Frey and the Eagles. What an insult to his grieving family and band mates and his fans all over the world. Rest in peace, Glenn, and know that your talent is recognized worldwide. Barbara Leccese

Daily News snobbery

Bronx: I can’t fathom why the Daily News would choose to accompany an article about the death of beloved Eagles founder Glenn Frey with one by idiot Gersh Kuntzman deriding the Eagles as the world’s “worst rock ’n’ roll band.” He contrasts the Eagles’ music to Lou Reed’s “Walk on the Wild Side,” which is easily the most overrated song in rock history. I guess that the Eagles just aren’t edgy enough for his pretentiou­s hipster sensibilit­ies. Considerin­g that the Eagles have sold over 150 million albums, it looks like Kuntzman is in the minority. Scott Welsh


New Rochelle, N.Y.: To idiotic writer Gersh Kuntzman, who thought Glenn Frey’s death would be a good time to trash the Eagles: I can’t remember the last time I was this sickened by reading an article. Frey’s family just lost him and he chose to dance on his grave. Tom LaBella

Too soon

Chicago: If Gersh Kuntzman were any kind of a writer, he’d know that the day someone dies is not the time to place an opinion of the person or their work into an article. The man died, it was not about him. Got it? That was a thoughtles­s and selfish move on his part. Catherine Bury

The pain lives

Wading River, L.I.: One word for the Eagles and their music: torture, with a capital T. Curt Pozgay

Trojan bill

Manhattan: “Death by a thousand cuts,” as the saying goes — or dropping a horse in a slowly heating cauldron of water. De Blasio’s Trojan horse carriage bill, if passed, would succeed in finally getting his wealthy developer friends and contributo­rs the golden Hudson Yards land where the current carriage horse stables sit. Whatever happened to the “tale of two cities” soap opera and de Blasio’s championin­g of the working class? This bill will add many middle-class workers to unemployme­nt lines, from carriage drivers to stable hands, horse care providers, pedicab operators and park maintenanc­e workers to even the vendors selling carrots for the horses every morning. Patty Adjamine

Palin comparison

Staten Island: I fear Sarah Palin endorsing Donald Trump could be the beginning of the end. Remember John McCain. Is this a plot by the Republican­s to unseat Trump? Natalie Johnson

The view from nowhere

Valley Stream, L.I.: Imagine if someone had to translate Sarah Palin’s speech into another language, say English. Now these best buds can both go Putinwatch­ing from her backyard.

Peter Young

Headline to headline

Fort Lee, Va.: I just love you guys and I always have. “I’m with stupid” (Jan. 20) was the greatest headline ever, almost. The alltime winner was the one on Anthony Weiner: “Erect Me as Mayor.” Kevin Smith

Peas in a pod

Woodside: In Sarah Palin’s endorsemen­t of Donald Trump, one sees birds of a feather flocking together. Most voters will recollect the disastrous choice of John McCain in taking Ms. Palin as his running mate in 2008. In fact, her interview by CBS News anchor Katie Couric exposed her ignorance not only about basic foreign policy but also America’s domestic affairs. With that in mind, I wonder what value her endorsemen­t brings to Trump’s quixotic campaign besides reinforcin­g his regressive policies, bigotry and overall hatemonger­ing. Atul M. Karnik

Billionair­e’s values

Manhattan: Ted Cruz hates Donald Trump’s “New York values.” But Sarah Palin just became part of the package. At the same time she was endorsing Trump, her son Track was arrested for bashing his “traditiona­l values” wife. Republican­s never cease to amaze. What’s next?

Bob Sikso

Love versus hate

Brooklyn: To Voicer Mike Bassalay: Don’t be shy; tell us how you really feel. By the way, I love our President and will miss him when he’s gone. Heidi Lystad

Curb Uber

Manhattan: I read with incredulit­y the $2 million study recommendi­ng against enacting any limit to the number of Uber vehicles. The study failed to consider the fact that yellow cabs are permitted to take rest stops only at specifical­ly designated taxi stands. On the other hand, Uber drivers routinely park illegally in “no parking” and “no standing” zones, such as the west side of Madison Ave. between 41st and 42nd Sts. Multiple Uber cars illegally park there every day awaiting calls. Although I have brought this in writing to the attention of the NYPD, Department of Transporta­tion and New York City Taxi & Limousine Commission, nothing changes. Each has confirmed they are not concerned with monitoring the Uber drivers’ illegal parking. Who is, then? Yes, we have reduced traffic congestion. The city accomplish­ed this by permitting the Uber driver the luxury of parking illegally with impunity.

Martin Wm. Goldman

Party time

Bronx: Why am I not the least bit surprised that the mayor of New York City and his spouse have the inane stupidity and gall to publicly state that Oscar nomination­s should be based on color? What utter idiocy. Instead of bringing people of all colors together, the de Blasios do nothing more than inflame racial bigotry. Maybe Mr. and Mrs. Mayor feel that they and race-baiters such as Al Sharpton can spew such divisive rhetoric because someone has their backs. I am by no means a bigot and I believe in equality for all people regardless of whomever or whatever they are. But only because Sharpton wants the Oscar-viewing audience to boycott the presentati­on, I’ll be watching the show, recording it and then watching it again. In fact, I think I’ll have an Oscar party. God help New York City and God help this country even more so.

Ralph A. Manente

Doesn’t fly

South Farmingdal­e, L.I.: These hollow, contemptuo­us politician­s. Gov. Cuomo supports a wage boost for 12,000 airline workers at New York’s airports, which are major economic engines for our region. I guess in 1989, none of that was true, when his father, Gov. Mario Cuomo, stood by as all Eastern Airlines workers, including myself, lost their jobs. I am so sick of this outright lying and all of the phony compassion and concern by Cuomo and his ilk. If they have nothing to say, which is most of the time, then they should shut up. Mike Pedano

Puppy love

Brooklyn: With this whole world in such a chaotic state, it was so nice to read about something that went right: Dixie the dog was reunited with her family (“Great tail! Man, dog reunited,” Jan. 17). Thanks to the Animal Care Center of the Bronx and the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals. It was truly a heartwarmi­ng story. Maria Soberanis

Cover song

Southingto­n, Conn.: Re “Crybrady” (Jan. 20): One of the best Daily News back pages ever.

Helen Henkel

 ?? Debra L. Rothenberg ??
Debra L. Rothenberg

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