New York Daily News

Rally victim: Stop this evil in its tracks


A MISSOURI activist said he has something in common with the Donald Trump supporter who slugged him outside a campaign rally for the billionair­e blowhard — they’re both black.

But Anthony Cage said he could care less about their shared heritage — he plans to press charges, and had some arresting words for Trump as well.

“Trumpism must be stopped in its tracks,” Cage told the St. Louis American newspaper.

“It’s 2016, not 1916. We just elected our first black President. How can we elect Trump, a man who preaches hatred?”

Cage, 50, who led protests in Ferguson, Mo., after a white cop shot an unarmed black teen to death in 2 2014, said he was demonstrat­ing peacefully o outside St. L Louis’ Peabody O Opera House March 11 when he was attacked by a Trump supp porter.

“I was just s standing still,” C Cage said. “Somebody tapped me on the shoulder, and when I turned he suckerpunc­hed me. Of course, I tried to defend myself. We were on the ground when I was tackled by law enforcemen­t.”

Cage said he was clocked after Trump said something at the rally that got his supporters excited.

In video from outside the weekend rally, Cage can be seen among demonstrat­ors, speaking on a megaphone. Photos show him lying on his stomach, surrounded by police officers, with his face bloody.

Cage said he was handcuffed, told he was under arrest for assault and then placed in an ambulance before cops were told by witnesses that he was the victim.

His attacker was subsequent­ly arrested.

Cage did not suffer any serious injuries.

He said his nose was badly bruised but not broken, and his teeth were not chipped or broken.

Cage’s bloody mug was featured on the front page of the Daily News (inset) the next day. He now wears a T-shirt with an image of the front page and the words, “Stop Trumpism in its tracks.”

“I have no doubt that if Trump is elected he will throw this country back 200 years,” Cage said.

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