New York Daily News

No dislodging Donald Trump now


Brooklyn: Political pundits would love a brokered convention because it adds to the excitement regardless of its merits. But face it, Trump has 673 delegates, 54% of the 1,237 needed for nomination. The Republican primary has 20 remaining states, 11 of them winner-take-all. He has a 27-point lead in New York, which gives delegates proportion­ally, but he’ll take the lion’s share.

Meanwhile, he’s poised to sweep three big winner-take-all states. He has up to a 20-point lead in the contest for New Jersey’s 55 delegates; a 17-point lead for Arizona’s 52 delegates, and a five-point lead for California’s 172 delegates.

Then the nomination will be a foregone conclusion. As Porky Pig said, “That’s all, folks.”

The political pundits should do the math and focus their bloodlust for a brokered convention on the Democrats, where we have the Communist Bernie Sanders, who will tax us back to the Stone Age and could win liberal California, Oregon and Washington in the general election, or that other candidate who could be nominated and indicted on the same day. David DiBello

Bring on Mothra

South Salem, N.Y.: Members of the GOP establishm­ent should give up trying to stop Donald Trump. He is like Godzilla, rampaging through the party with a busload of screaming voters in his teeth, destroying everything in his path. The more he is attacked, the stronger he gets. There is nothing left to do but take cover.

Jane K. Dove

Honestly, Abe

Staten Island: To Voicer Ron Jackowski, who disparages Trump for threatenin­g to unleash libel laws against newspapers and intimates that even Abe Lincoln was not so thin skinned: Not so! Read your history. Honest Abe had editors who despised his Civil War policies arrested and newspapers shut down. He suspended habeas corpus and even had an Ohio congressma­n arrested. Lincoln picked and chose what parts of the Constituti­on he would obey. As for Harry Truman, he threatened to punch out a music critic who panned daughter Margaret’s piano performanc­e. So both former Presidents were not so thick skinned. Don’t compare them to Trump! Joseph Valente

No threat

Staten Island: To Voicer Louise Volpe: Threatenin­g the Daily News by saying that Trump will “make an offer you can’t refuse” and then fire everyone after he buys the paper is exactly the reason The News is making fun of Trump and his boneheaded supporters in the first place. He’s a bully, his supporters are all idiots, and, by the way, this is how Hitler got started. Victor R. Stanwick

Dear John

Howard Beach: Scared about Clinton or Trump becoming President? Don’t worry, vote Kasich. He’s someone we can all live and work with. Ernest Kienzle

Sneak attack

East Elmhurst: I’ve wondered if Donald Trump’s campaign is a big practical joke, a ruse to rout the Republican Party and elect a Democrat, or a distractio­n from a life-shaking event that the powers that be don’t want regular people to notice. Then I read Voicer John Malley’s letter. Could the TransPacif­ic Partnershi­p be that event? I’ve heard that the TPP makes illegal anything that interferes with profit. That could include strikes, improved work conditions, and even calls for boycotts. Let’s discuss this. Melanie N. Lee

Fit to be tied

Jamaica: Why do people think Donald Trump is going to bring jobs back to the United States? He gets his ties made in China. Vote wisely, and not because you think Trump is funny. Charlene Black

The case for Christie

Bronx: To Gov. Christie: If it is true you said, “Even if I had decided to stay in the state, I would not have attended the funeral,” then I really have to give you a second look. I have had the highest regard for you since Bridgegate, for the simple reason you fired people, something the President hasn’t done yet.

Robert George Gallimore

Take this prisoner

Manhattan: In all my 73 years I have never read a story like this (“North Korean court sentences University of Virginia student,” NYDailyNew­, March 16). What on Earth was this man doing in North Korea in the first place? If he was having severe financial problems at home, who paid for his trip? Why did he go? Did he think he could steal a napkin in that country and not be caught? He is obviously a spy or a very stupid person. Or both.

Anna V. Carroll

Elected traitors

Richmond Hill: Will someone tell me why Republican senators have not been charged with treason for all the anti-government and unconstiti­onal obstructio­nism they have dumped on the democratic system? They are trying to shut down any part of our government that will help people or make the President look like he is doing his job. Robert Clolery

Zap Zika

Manhattan: I enjoyed our unseasonab­ly warm February but fear it came at the scary price of global warming. In summers to come, any stagnant water is more likely to become a breeding ground for mosquitos, possibly presenting conditions ripe for Zika virus. We owe it to our as yet unborn grandchild­ren to slow down climate change as much and as soon as possible. We have an as yet untapped source of renewable energy, right in our own backyards — offshore wind power. Gov. Cuomo has made significan­t commitment­s toward helping our environmen­t. He needs to go even further, with a goal of developing 5,000 megawatts of offshore wind by 2025. Susanne Beth Braham

No bucks for billionair­es

Manhattan: Why does Mayor de Blasio’s housing plan depend on the 421-a tax abatement when it has been repeatedly shown that 421-a goes mainly to billionair­e building projects, like the one on 57th St.? Please stop buying off developers and giving them tremendous incentives that allow them to make extraordin­ary profit. Edward Maloney

Homes by the numbers

Manhattan: Why doesn’t the Department of Homeless Services implement CompStat? DHS believes its job is to provide employment and medical and mental health services, when everyone is there for one thing: housing. Why not implement CompStat and have DHS answer every month: How many clients transition­ed to permanent housing? When that happens, New York will see positive change. Nancy Dawkins

Money walks

Astoria: New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderm­an is another genius who neither understand­s economics nor human nature (“$15 an hour, one way or another,” Op-Ed, March 14). In places like Seattle where the minimum wage is being hiked to $15 the market is responding by laying off workers, curbing hiring and raising prices. Workers on public assistance are working fewer hours in order to maintain their benefits. Why are such concepts so damn hard for liberals to understand? Brad Morris

Shaky Stasi

Syosset, L.I.: Linda Stasi asked

Mike Carlson/Reuters why the pilot of a Delta aircraft did not tell the passengers what was happening when her plane hit severe turbulence (“Making friends in turbulent times,” March 15). Did she want him to pick up the intercom and say the weather was causing the shaking of the aircraft when common sense tells you that’s what’s happening? He’s not going to take his hands off the controls while he’s trying to steady the plane to say something that everyone already knows. If she’s a skittish flier she should find another mode of transporta­tion. Helen Ras

Singing Serena’s praises

Marlboroug­h, Mass.: Serena Williams can afford to be generous with her opponents because she is far and away the best at her sport. Her magnanimit­y befits her. Serena has been the best since she walked on the tennis court as a little girl. As her father once replied to a reporter (under his breath, I think) who had asked if there was anyone who could play better than Venus, “Well, Serena.” The girl has class, and an innate understand­ing of what is truly important. Raiful Tompkins

Run, Tucker, run!

Manhattan: To gubernator­ial candidate and Voicer Tucker Mowatt: I admire your willingnes­s to use your current situation as a vehicle to try and serve the community and the State of New York. I would like to hear more from your platform, it sounds refreshing and interestin­g. See you at the rally! Eileen Maher

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